Chapter 1. SPOILT BRAT!

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Have you ever been in a position of wondering why you should look for a job even if you have certificates,, because your parents have uncountable riches and your siblings the same? I mean it's unreasonable to work right? Especially when they all transfer money in your account at each and every end of the month!!

So I've been stubborn about getting a job even if my parents insisted, dad would force me to go on interviews but I would just go talk nonsense,or go late that they ask me to go away or sometimes I don't even go , because I don't want to wake up early everyday to go to work and sit at one place for hours in the name of working!

In highschool and college I never touched a book in the name of studying , I always had detentions but even so I never read , and at that moment when I was forced to sit with a book , I would just stare at it and not read even a single word!

I spent my time flirting with girls , going out with them and buying drinks , partying every night and sleep around! I mean you only live once , and life is short , so why strain yourself, enjoy every chance you get , am shameless I know , that's my reputation in highschool and college because I slept with almost every girl, even other people's girlfriends .

But they still threw themselves at me because I was rich and hot at the same time .


After picking a packet of passion flavoured lollipops, I skate my skateboard to my second favorite spot in a mall , I look on my watch and realise that I only have less than fifteen minutes to get to the interview, I can't be late this time , I've spent almost all night practising because this time I seriously want a job.

Time to fuck around has ended , besides dad and mom have stopped providing for me, they've stopped transferring money in my account ! And it wont be long before my older brother and sister stop too! Because dad and mom have warned them for a while now, but because of my stubbornness they can't resist me, but even if they haven't stopped, the amount they transfer has gone down!

I haven't gone out for a week now , not taken girls out because I don't have enough money anymore.

My eyes suddenly land on it , the one thing that queches my thirst , passion fruit juice !! What did you think it was? Anyway ,, anything to do with passion fruit is my thing ! Childish right ..? I know!

Owh shit!! How comes there's only one tin of it?! That won't keep me for the day!! But it's better than nothing because I would literally die without one , it sharpens my mind so it would be great if I have one before that interview!

I mean if it wasn't for it , I wouldn't have ever passed my exams from highschool and campus, wait! Is it because of it or is it my fabulous brain?! Whatever!! But this company has to give me atleast a discount because I've promoted them so much!

When I go to grab it , I bump myself on someone because I was on my phone, but I still managed to stretch my hand to that tin and my palm land on a spongy soft like thing! I avert my eyes from the phone looking at it , it's a hand , a man's hand which has already held the tin earlier before me .

I raise my eyes slowly and I see as white as snow shirt , a black coat, and a well and neatly tied tie at the neck , I raise my eyes more,, sharp jaw line , pink plump lips , cute nose , light blue eyes , long lashes and knitted eye brows!

I back off immediately and look at him properly, whoa! what a gentle man!? My eyes avert to the tin we're both holding, and then back at him .

" How unfortunate that it's remaining just one , and I got it first!" I say knowing that I wasn't the first one to grab it , but since he looks like a gentle man.. am pretty sure he's not gonna argue with someone like me so he'll just leave it for me.

" Your hand is on top of me , so that means I grabbed it first." He says with a calm but annoyed voice , his face turning to a cold expressioned one .

What? Is he even a gentle man like a thought?! He doesn't really think that am gonna leave it for him does he?

Suddenly something precious pops up in my mind , since he looks so rich and I don't have enough money , I could use him as a source.

Out of the blue I drop on the floor." Ouuuuch! Ouch! shit! Excuse me? Why we're you not looking where you're going, ouch!!" I scream capturing people attention, they turn to us and I pretend even more to be hurt!

I look up at him with one eye and I can see confusion and anger on his face! He picks the juice and was almost walking away when I grabbed his leg.

" What?! You gonna just leave me here after you bump in me like that? Ouch! Jeez I think my borne cracked or something, Jesus it hurts!!" I shout even more .

People's faces around are starting to show remorse. " Sir, I don't think it would good for you to just leave like that after what you've done!"

One older man , with a uniform , he works here according to the uniform , he says and everyone around agrees with him .

He looks at me angrily, like he wants to say something but changes his mind , he takes out a wallet takes out so many notes and throws down to me. " Help yourself to the hospital then!" He says walking away with the bottle of the juice .

But I still hold his leg . " I might feel better when I drink that, besides I grabbed it first, aah.. jeez this hurts so much,, I hear it works sometimes when someone is in pain ." I say picking the money , he looks at me even more angrily, he unfolds his fingers and drops it down on me , hitting my nose. What a freak ?!! That hurts !

I knew he wont talk much , I mean guys like him are so busy and have good reputation to start arguing around with lunatics , don't get me wrong , I don't mean am a lunatic!

He walks away , my nose hurts for real , it might be broken, I touch around it and I see blood on my finger, shit!!

I stand up immediately, taking the juice with the money with me , everyone looking at me as if am a scammer.

" Uh.. I actually confused, it's not my leg that it's broken , it's my nose , see ? I should see a doctor soon!"

I say skating away.

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OFFICE ROMANCE. (BxB)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum