Chapter 29. CAME OUT FOR HIM!

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"Julian , I swear, I didn't kill him !! " he clings on my hand crying.

"You didn't kill him?! Who was the one who stole the car keys even when we told you several times to not do that! That day your brother wasn't feeling well ! But you still convinced him to take you to some stupid video game shop!! You drove that day didn't you ?! How many times did we tell you , you weren't old enough!? How comes you came out of that car without injuries while your brother died ?! You knew what you were doing  , you knew we always preferred him over you and you know why?? because all you always did was play video games around and go force a neighbour's innocent kid to kiss you and you were both boys !! But your brother was brilliant, doing everything right and helping us with the company even when he was at that age!! You knew he was gonna be the president of that company after your father so you were so jealous leading him to an accident and you jumped out of the car leaving him there to die . Now that you are the president, do you feel great ! after killing to have that position! I've been patient with you , putting up with your presence in this house because I gave birth to you ! Otherwise I would have sent you to hell already!!"  His mother screams non stop.

I think am gonna pass out! What the...?!

" Jul.. julia.. Julian I didn't do it." Adam still clings on my hand firmly as if afraid that am gonna run away !

" I know " I tell him putting my hand over his shoulder.

" What do you mean you know ?! , wait until he ends your life too."

" Atleast he'll be the one who has taken it away because I will care less ! In my life.. I've never seen a parent who detest her child to this extent  , especially not a mother!! "

His father looks like he's not bothered by anything but I realise that his major problem is when it comes to the gay part  "By the way ! Why is he calling you Julian? I thought you said that your name is... what was it again.. isn't Julian a man's name or is it also shared among all genders? " he asks .

" He's calling me that because am a man , and you see me dressing like this? he had to force himself even when he didn't want to ask me do this! Again to please you !" I take off the wig and the heels , I lick off the lipstick, there faces are full of shock, even the house help are now watching a free Netflix show .

" He's gay and there's nothing you can do about it ,  why does it disturb you so much anyway ? Neither of you give a shit about him!!"

I can't believe this is what Adam has been going through! when he's out there he looks tough and everyone fear him , not knowing that when he enters this house he's so small and won't even cough!

" Give me the key of that office !! Am going to sell that company! let's see how you feed your stomach without it !!" His father says taking the keys away . " The car keys , give them to me !!"

He gives them all .

" Come on let's go." I pull him with me but he resists.

" My parents Julian.." he says in a very low tone .

" They don't give a damn about you!!" I tell him hopping that he comes to his senses and see the reality .

"But they are still my parents. "

" I know that , but.. "

"Can you get going already? You've chosen that path and I want you to know that I am not your parent from now own !" His father yells .

" Dad am sorry! I've been trying so much to do what's right just for you to at least show me that fatherly love but in the end I lost everything, all the hard work gone to vain!!"

"Mom am so sorry , please forgive me for not listening to you , but I didn't kill my brother , I didn't do anything intentionally, that guilt will never leave me , especially when you remind me everyday that it was my fault , yes it was my fault but I didn't do it intentionally, I hope both of you can forgive me one day and make me your son again because I love you so much and all I've ever wanted is for you to love me back ."

They don't say anything and Adam seems to have finish so I gather together my little energy that is remaining and pick him up .

We walk out of the house , holding him , he doesn't have any energy at all. Out of the gate I we get a taxi and I give him the address of Ad's house , he told me that no one knows about that house , he always went there when he couldn't go home for the obvious reason now .

The taxi man keeps throwing weird glances probably because am wearing a dress but I don't give a shit! Now that I've removed the wig and my feet are bare am confusing people ! But I still look pretty , they'll think that am just having a boy's hair style .

Am still holding Ad , his head is on my shoulder and I think he's asleep or pretending to be because how on earth can he sleep with all that in his head .

We go for an hour and I know we're almost there, suddenly he raises his head sitting up,  he's sweating .

" Hey.. you okay?" I ask worriedly .

" My brother! He.. h" he struggles with words .

" Calm down.. heey.. " I hold him to make him calm.

" I've heard a dream about him again. The same dream!"

" What dream?"

" He always appears in my dream , in my dreams he's still young as we were when he died , he keeps screaming that it's not my fault , the same words over and over again until I wake up!"

" Do you know when he'll stop coming in your dreams and stop screaming like that ? The day you'll  stop blaming yourself, he's probably not at peace all those years because you are not at peace too , love.. stop blaming yourself, I know they made you believe that it was all your fault but clearly your brother knows that it wasn't your fault ! Can you please let him rest in peace by stopping to blame yourself?!"  Damn ! Am so mature these days, I think G_d is giving me this knowledge on purpose.

" I'll try , that day he was the one who wanted us to sneak out , am not blaming him now but just because my parents knew that I was the sturbbon one  they never listened to me ! "

" It's okay , it'll be okay , they'll come around, trust me ."

" Thank you Julian. Am glad I met you , you're the best thing that has ever happened to me , am sorry I didn't tell you everything but I was so afraid that you would leave me "

" Never " I say again swearing on my life , he leans on my shoulder again and I hold him .

Within minutes we arrive .

OFFICE ROMANCE. (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें