Chapter 19. MAKE OUT!

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" You're jealous too?!" I ask amused.

" If you say so." He asnwers running away .

Why is he acting like this? Like he feels the same way , I mean , yesterday I expected the worst when I told him , but his reaction wasn't that bad , and now he's acting so cool about it !

I don't know if I should trust his reactions because Julian is a sneaky person and he could be playing with me ! Teasing me around, anyway.. as long as he's still talking to me !

Two weeks later●●●,

" Where are you ? " I ask immediately he picks up my call .

" On the mission... Need anything?"

" Yeah" I answer simply.

" What "

" You" I say seriously.

" Hahha don't joke around, am in a meeting , but I'll try as much as I could to come see you today."

" You've been saying that like a week now , seriously what are you up to ? I thought you said that you won't avoid me but that is exactly what you're doing , you left for work today at 11am but now it's 6pm , are you still up for work? Never mind, you don't have to come if you don't wa.." my words stops in my mouth after he opens the door grinning with a phone on his left ear.

" If I don't wanna come? Right.. I should go back ."

" No wait ! I wasn't gonna say that. " I stop him desperately, since when did I become this desperate, am a total opposite of me, and it's like he's taking advantage of it .

Am tired and I just wanna know what's on his mind , it's been two weeks since I told him how I feel , he must have figured out by now how he actually feels too and what he wants.

" Relax am not going , gatcha! "

" You went to the party.."
" Yeah but I didn't sleep with anyone , that's an achievement, right? Do you have alot of work , I can help ."

" No , I just wanna talk , work is not that important now." I tell him hopping that this time we actually talk seriously and clear things up .

" I can't talk now , I have to d.." he says finding another excuse but I cut him.

" Is this a NO?" I ask feeling terrible, I can tell by how he behaves he's really avoiding that topic , then does that mean I have no chance with him , I don't think I can handle it!

"What ?" He asks pretending not to know what am talking about.

" Should I still wait or should I let it go?"

" I.. I... " he stammers , which freaks me out because he..

" Am not sure yet?" He says cutting my thoughts .

"You're not sure yet because I don't think you ever give it a thought, everytime you are out partying with some girls , I've told you a thousand times how that makes me feel but you still do it , so is there even any reason I should still be having hope? No ! But my stupid heart still wanna have it , just tell me , you might be refusing to tell me because you know it'll hurt me or something but not telling me and still going out hurts me even more, so just te...."

" I love you too." He cuts me .

" What?" G*d am going crazy , he's so unpredictable, now he loves me? But he doesn't look or behave like he does at all , sometimes I feel like he's putting up with me after knowing about my brother !  "You don't have to say it if you don't!"

" Well , am saying it because I do , you are right , I wasn't talking to you that week because I was mad that you had a girlfriend, but I didn't know that was the reason I was mad at you until the time you told me she's not your girlfriend , because I felt relieved,, I know that only won't assure you but it is what it is , myself knows that I do and that's all it's needed, yes I've been avoiding you , no.. not you but the topic , and the reason being that am not sure if am ready to be in a relationship! I mean , all my life I've been messing around and now I fear that I won't be able to keep a relationship, I..."

I don't know how but I find my lips on his , holding him close like a hug and a kiss at the same time , am not moving my lips and neither is he , I could feel his heart drumming against mine , taking in each others heavy short breaths.

He slowly open my lips with his tongue licking them , his fingers strocking my hair while the other caressing my neck to my cheek , I've never been here before so I follow what he's doing.

My body tenses up , my legs instantly become weak as his kisses intensifies, I pull closer to feel him more , our breath becoming heavier and heavier.

He pulls away some meters away and pulls me with him to the couch , I find my back on the couch , right under him . He drops down on me and kisses me again .

His kisses and touches make me hotter and hotter , I take off my coat , he presses on me with his whole body hugging me.. I would never want us to part or stop this feeling, at the back of my mind something scolds me that I've taken long to realise that something like this existed!

Everything seems fast and chaotic, but I have no brain to save for that thought, I feel so good that it's almost unbelievable.

On top of me Julian moves up and down in slow motion , it feels so great that I find myself moving in rhythm with him , rubbing our cocks together but still in our trousers, the pace increases after every minute and it's even faster now , I find myself letting out some soft sounds that I couldn't control even if I wanted to .

Suddenly our body trembles at the same time letting out sexual sound of satisfaction.. we stop moving, our breath unsteady, short and heavy , my pants feel sticky and I know what have gone on down there , Julian's trembling body is still on me , his head burried at the side of my neck , he seems to be trying to get his breath normal and so am I.

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