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"Are you sure this is gonna work ?" He asks after His friends who one of them is a make up artists arrive , he said he trusts them and they would never tell . I think I remember their faces from somewhere but I don't remember where exactly .

Am pretty sure it's gonna work because he's beautiful to some extent, he's almost like asian , you'll think that he's a half cast but not really .

His body shape and the smooth milky skin are gonna be of much help now . The problem is to teach him how to walk in heels because I guess he's gonna need them. We tried almost the whole night but he's still struggling with them , it was actually fun and we kept laughing even when we know inside we're hurting.

" Jesus Julian , We thought you are in some kind of danger!" One of them who seem talkative says hugging him.

" Sorry , this is an emergency too ." He says . " So apparently am bisexual and in love. " he says shying away.

" What?!?! " they ask in unison surprised.

" I'll tell you everything later , can I now tell you the mess that we're in and the reason I called you?"

" Don't tell me he's bisexual too because there's no way on the earth that could be true!" He asks referring to me .

" Hell no ! He's totally gay!" Julian says laughing and I punch him on the back which makes him laugh even harder .

They looked like they don't believe it but the other one saves the situation .

" Don't judge by the cover , so what is it that you want us for ?"

" It's a complicated situation but understandable at the same time , don't ask me too much questions  am gonna tell you later . But for now I need to look like a girl." he says watching intently their reaction.

" What?? Is he making you do that because he's not out yet ? Julian trust me if this is the situation in your relationship.. It won't go far , if he's embarrassed to be with you the way you are , he's definitely gonna leave you and marry a woma..."

" Ryan stop , You're being nosy and besides you don't know anything yet , Julian is a grown up and knows what he's doing and as he said it's a complicated and understandable situation, so stop judging." The other guy says rescuing me .

" Can we do this already , we don't have much time." Julian asks , am guessing he wants to end that topic , I swear I feel so bad for making him do this , if it wasn't for my parents I wouldn't have never cared .

The two of them go upstairs to an empty room , am afraid the guy is gonna feed Julian with a lot of "advice" which might make him change his mind about us , because earlier I saw how he reacted to what he was told which make me panic .

I decide that am gonna follow them but the other guy who rescued me stops me , as if he can hear my thoughts he says.. "Hey relax , If he agreed to do this for you then nothing will change his mind , I mean, clearly he loves you! And as I know Julian is stubborn and wouldn't have agreed to this but if he did , I wonder why else you would be worried ?  Am carl by the way , I've heard a lot about you , and last time I checked he was complaining non stop about you, cursing you , so how the hell did you guys end up loving each other ? Don't answer that.. it's just a rhetorical question. "

" I've seen you somewhere but I can't remember where?" I ask hoping that he can be of much help to me , he sounds mature!

" Friends with Julian, I actually had my wedding planned by your company "

" Oh right , now I get it ."

" Yeah , am guessing you are in a very terrible situation, but don't worry , love always wins . "

"It's really worse than you think." I open up to him wondering why on earth because this is just not me, telling my worries to someone!?

" Things will solve themselves either way , just know there are consequences too, it won't be easy but you'll still have to face it , you can talk to me anytime if you want to , I can help if you allow me and if I'll be capable."

" Thank you" I find myself narrating to him the whole problem we're having, he says it's fine taking someone home now to buy time instead of marrying someone I totally don't want , and now am feeling much better for talking to someone who understands.

Suddenly Julian appears ... OMG.. this is totally impossible, how comes now he can walk in those heels so perfectly and the last time I checked he was still struggling. 

That hair style suites him perfectly, long at the back and at the front it's trimmed almost to eyes level and they are lying perfectly on his forehead, red lipstick which suites him perfectly. Ear rings of medium size .

A black , flare long dress and off shoulder, well steady fake breasts, black heels , a small porch.

I swear this view infront me has totally turned me on , I mean, the fact that it's him looking this beautiful.

" Hey!! Hellooo !! Adams !! I swear if you like this version of me am gonna take off everything and burn them to ashes!!" I hear him shout which brings me back to reality.

" Are you even gay ? I mean, if you react  like that seeing me look like a girl it just changes the whole picture about you! "

" Am sorry , that's not it , it's just the fact that it's you looking this beautiful."

He stops being angry because I can see him blush already, he's been blushing easily lately . " Should we go now?"

" Uh.. yeah . "

" Success man" Carl and Ryan say in unison and we separate as they go in their car and us in our car .

" Update me ." Carl says before entering the car . I node in agreement, he feels like an older brother , how comforting.

I see Ryan signal Julian to call him too . He's really something, isn't he ? I mean , his work is perfect, how about I hire him in my company.

I keep stealing glances at Julian even when he curses me as we go!

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