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Sitting in the office, I wonder why I even came here today because I've only managed to work a little bit before my mind fly away from work related.. wondering why Julian hasn't come in my office the whole of today to bother me! Did he come to work ? I saw him somewhere in the morning!

Every knock that have been coming from  my door I've been expecting that it's him but it hasn't.

I take the office phone and call my secretary, I've made up my mind that I'll ask for him to come here and pretend to have work for him!

" Get me Julian to come in my office." I tell her sounding like it's some kind of work business.

"Sir which Julian?"
" Julian Wilson from planning department!"
" okay sir."

What am I even doing? Does this even make any sense? The other day I was so annoyed by his presence but now I want him to come in my office just to ramble a lot of nothing?

" Yes?" I say after answering the call.

" They say he left the office earlier to meet the clients but he hasn't come back yet sir."

" when was that ?"
" 9am"

9am and it's now 5pm?! Which kind of meeting is that? I don't think he's coming back today , and what makes him think that he can just leave the company and go whenever he feels like it!

Seems you are so idle Wilson, so brace yourself for tomorrow because you won't like it! I take my phone and decide to browse since working has become a problem , suddenly a notification from instagram.

Actually am not a social media person ! The account I have doesn't have any picture of me , I have it to look sometimes at the advertisements of my company and the weddings too , inshort it's for work related and I always browse it when am idle , but it's not like am ever idle!!

So  I  check it knowing that it might be something to do with the company but then... 'Follow suggestions > Julian Wilson from your contacts is on instagram live.'

My fingers act fast to check him out, should I follow or not ? Even if I follow him he isn't gonna know it's me ! Besides he has so many followers so I don't think he'll have interest to check who the new follower is!!

I tap follow, he's live.. I debate if I should  watch him or .. ugh whatever I decide to watch..

Ha.. partying work hours ?! Well, Mr. Wilson .. enjoy your alcohol with girls touching you everywhere like a pervert and think it's fun so you post it! Tomorrow you gonna regret it!

A knock brings me back to reality and I remove the video very fast , I  put my phone aside , I straighten myself and then give permission.

" Mrs. Clinford?"

" Am sorry sir for the disturbance but I took this matter to mr. StockWell but he said it's beyond him and he doesn't know how to solve it !"

" What is it?"

" Most of the young ladies that work here are missing most of work hours in the name of they are done with their work of the day, and we just realized they are ditching work to party around, including the new recruit Julian Wilson, they are under his control."

Oh so those girls around him are from here?

" Get all their names , and let them know we have a meeting first thing in the morning tomorrow!"

" sure, thank you sir."

She says walking out.


" Your case is a serious one , wait for me in my office!" I tell him , he stands up going without a word, which is weird because he talks every second of his life.

He really had fun yesterday, didn't he? He even had time to dye his hair purple!! He's  wearing an oversize black side pocket trouser with an oversize t-shirt, snickers with an unzipped white sweater ! Well.. a very great office outfit it is!

" I don't have any doubt that You know me pretty well that I don't talk much and I don't think twice , let what you did , not repeat again! You are dismissed!" They stand up fast looking relieved, I know they expected the worst from this meeting . Thanking and being sorry like I need it , they go!

I walk back to my office , I should be angry at Merlin but that feeling is no where to be found in me!

" Am sorry! Am so sorry sir , I wasn't thinking, I knew it was wrong of me to do what I did but I still did it , am s.."

" Stop! You're making noise in my ears , you should know that there are consequences for what you did!"

" Yes but not now please, am supposed to meet with..."

I cut him . "That is not my problem Wilson!"

" I can't be late , I really promised never again to waste their time , we have to check out the venue.. I can't be late , let me go then when I come back you can punish me in every way possible, am even willing to keep you company tonight when you work until the time you will be leaving. "

Ha.. he's kidding right?

" And your brain tells you that, that is a punishment?"
" Isn't it ? I mean, at that time I should be home but I'll sacrifice it to stay with you, or maybe I should just go home and then you can punish me tomorrow with whatever you want because am sure we will finish late hours."

" Miss to come back here today and you'll regret it the rest of your little life!"

His phone vibrates and he answers it smiling.  "Yo! Bro..oh You're already at the gate? Just a minute then.. yeah cool." He hungs up .

"I have to go , see you later!"

And shoo he's gone , he's really enjoying this , isn't he ? I can't believe I didn't scold him even a bit! What has he done to me ? Am being taken under his control every minute that passes.


Seconds became minutes , minutes into hours and he's no where to be seen! It's 9pm , since morning and he posted a photo of him with other two men in a pub .

Suddenly a message comes in with a picture of him and those men but not in the pub , probably out side ...' I can't make it back to the company today because the meeting has ended late than I expected , see.. we're still at the venue doing some arrangements '

..So the venue is the club!?

Why am I like this with him anyway?! It's not like I want him to come back so that I can punish him , I just want him to be here, like I've missed him.. haha very funny Adams , why would you miss that brat in the first place? The only person you've ever missed and you'll always miss is your brother!' I tell myself.

Okay seriously,, I feel bad because I can't get hold of him lately , do you maybe know what the F*** is my problem?!

OFFICE ROMANCE. (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें