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6 months later:

Well, 6 months ago Queen Married Toni. Fantasia and Taraji cut ties with her.

Paula's trial began and she was coming for Fantasia hard, Taraji cut her throat (I mean literally murdered her) which made Paula's allegations stronger, with Fantasia as a suspect in the murder... to save her wife Taraji had to confess cause things were looking really bad for her wife, so she confessed, providing evidence.
But because she couldn't face her wife and or prison she did what she does best... Faked her death, a believable death. The mistake she made was not to include her wife in that plan.

Fantasia buried her. The family mourned her. Fantasia got her name cleared, but she was going through a massive depression. She was in an AA meeting and an actual Therapy, trying to get her life back.

Taraji was somewhere unclassified or somewhere underground with guess who?
Both Jenelle, the explosive genius, and Ken. They were building their own Agency called The Underground.

Queen was there for Fantasia, basically forgetting all about her wife and spending more time with Fantasia.

"I would run for office again. Just that, I'm not sure I will win without the three people who helped me win the last time, Paula, Danielle Brooks, and well... Her!"

"I understand, but it is worth the effort. I will be here" Queen promised. Fantasia nodded. "How are you holding up?" Queen asked. "you know... There are better days and then there are really unbeatable painful days. I wish she said good bye" Fantasia's tears ran a marathon on her face.
"She's been gone 6 months and I still don't know how to pick myself up from the floor," Fantasia said sniffling.
Queen embraced her, making her weaker, she howled in agony.
Queen allowed her to be vulnerable in her touch.

Her phone rang. It was Toni.
Fantasia sniffled pulling away so that Queen would answer her phone, instead, Queen tossed it away.

"You are not gonna answer it? It's your wife!"
"I tried ignoring facts here, the fact that you and Taraji didn't attend my wedding, basically cut me off and stopped returning my calls, I only got to hear from you after your wife died. So something I need to know, why do you dislike my wife? What's going on Fantasia?" Queen asked.

"And don't you dare lie to me because I will walk out that door and you will never hear from me again" Fantasia didn't want that, so she sighed...

"Toni was Taraji's first. I met her on our honeymoon. A lot happened there, my wife and I ended up in a threesome with her. It was okay, but the mistake I made was to stay in touch cause I later cheated on my with with her. Taraji never liked her from then cause we had our first divorce. I really thought she told you everything"

"Hell no she didn't. Why would my wife not tell me this?"

Fantasia shrugged. "can I stay the night? I'm not going back to my house tonight"

"of course, you can, I will tell Claudia to fix a room for you," Fantasia said walking away.

That evening she went to her AA meeting and came back.

Somewhere Underground:

Taraji was watching a surveillance from her house's living room. Her wife was snuggled in Queen's arms. It looked very cozy.

"You promised you would never watch that again!" Jenelle said approaching. "Does that look cozy to you? You think I should have gotten surveillance from my bedroom as well, I think Queen is fucking my wife,"

"pal, listen to me, are you listening? She is not your wife anymore, you are dead Taraji, she buried you and mourned you, it's been six months so if she decides to move on... That's her business. Get over it"

"You are not being sensitive, that's the love of my life you are talking about. I think I should come out to my wife, let her know I'm alive"
Taraji asked. "Oh terrific then what?" Jenelle asked with sarcasm.

"Maybe she will find comfort"

"You really think Fantasia is gonna forgive you after this? Girl... She must really love you cause, you don't deserve her forgiveness. You have one choice and only one, stay dead and leave Fantasia and who she fucks the hell alone or risk being caught and spend the rest of your life in real Prison."Jenelle said walking away.
Taraji went back to spying on her wife.

On the surveillance:

Everybody went to sleep, Fantasia spotted the spy camera and looked shockingly at it before walking over to it and snatching It away angrily
It disconnected the surveillance to the underground.

"Damn it!" Taraji muttered fisting the table. "fuck, shit... damn it!" She cursed with frustration.

She looked around before picking up her important gadgets. She put on a jacket, and snuck out.

To be continued...

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