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Previously on The Department

Taraji sighed and then opened her hand. Her eyes grew out of her face. Heart pounding.
"oh my gosh!" she whispered softly with a sigh.
, "Oh my fucking god. No wait... You tricked me... What the fuck do I do with this... Fantasia Monique Barrino!" She shouted
"My government name? Taraji you promised!" Fantasia said. They met in the middle of the room. "You promised. No talking, no asking questions nothing!"

"what do I do with this?" Taraji asked. Fantasia shrugged her shoulders. Taraji's jaw dropped


Fantasia just looked at her. Taraji inhaled loudly and then exhaled. She looked at Fantasia's eyes and then glanced in her hand.
It shined in her hand. She swallowed hard. "it's very beautiful and big and shiny. I love it. Can I at least wear it?"
"it's yours. Do whatever you want with it. I would love it very much if you put it on" Taraji smiled and gave the ring to Fantasia. "please put it on me!" Taraji declared. Fantasia placed the ring on Taraji's ring finger. They locked eyes.

"I love you!" Fantasia whispered still looking in her eyes.  "I love you too!" they shared a kiss. "See you in bed," Fantasia said and walked away. Taraji grinned at the heavy rock on her finger. "oh my gosh!" and muttered...

She didn't care that she didn't know what it meant. I mean Fantasia said nothing about it and refused to talk about it. Taraji was happy to have the rock on her finger. I mean she bought her a ring, put it on her finger... It gotta mean something right? Well to Taraji it meant everything 

That night she made love to Fantasia devotedly. Making her orgasm so hard. Satisfying her and loving her.

It was like a thank you wrapped in I love you.

In the morning

Taraji was still obsessed with the rock on her finger. She was staring at it while she ate, looking at it made her food tasty and more flavorsome. Fantasia watched her and secretly smirked.

"Okay, Mom is enjoying her sausage like Josh enjoys his cereals. What a going on?" Jack asked. "what? It's a good sausage. Compliments to the chef" Taraji said. Fantasia blushed.
"Okay, mom made breakfast. It can't be that good!" Halle teased

Fantasia gasped. Jack laughed. "don't listen to them baby I love it. Thanks for your effort. You are a busy woman but regardless you find time to do this for us, we appreciate you" Taraji said. "thank you, baby. Halle... Eat enough, no lunch for you. That's for being a Smug!"
"Oh, I see why mom is all teeth this morning..." Halle said.
"what's that?" Halle asked pointing at the ring. they rapidly looked at Fantasia. "Don't look at me... I know nothing. Taraji what the hell is that?" Fantasia faked anger.
"this? It's a gift. That's all y'all need to know. It's not engagement or anything. Just a gift. A gift that I love very much. No comment, get off my case" Taraji defended.

"If that is no engagement ring, why do you wear it on your ring finger?" Jack asked. "cause it's a ring, Jack!"

"you just walked right into that one bro!" Halle said. "yeah I heard myself. Anyways I'm gonna go. Thanks for breakfast Mom" he said and kissed Fantasia on the cheek then turned to Taraji's side.

"damn, this thing is huge. Mom who gave you this rock, it's big. And it's a real diamond. Oh my gosh!" he said holding her hand.
"who would give you this?" he said.
"oh come on bro... Are you really asking that question? It's mom. Who else would do that?" Halle asked. "you're right of course. The watch, the bracelet, the earnings, the house--"

"what house?" Taraji played dump. "oh please Mom, we ain't that naive. Okay, Jack is sometimes but we ain't stupid okay? We know you can't afford that house. We also know who can" Halle said.
"Even that ring. All from Fantasia Barrino. My question is, why didn't she just propose?" Halle asked.

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