The City Of Memories.

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In New York City.

They got in their Cars from the airport. Taraji had her own car and so did Fantasia. The kids rode together.

Fantasia rode with Brooks. Security reasons.
"We are at my house ain't we?" Fantasia asked before the car could even stop. Brooks peeked her head out. "Correct. How did you know?"
"I can feel it"
"you not gonna get off?"

"no thanks. Let's go" Brooks looked at her.
"I promise you. If you face this house, you will feel better"
Fantasia shook her head no. "okay. Turn around" Brooks said on the Radio.
The car turned around. The rest got off.

Taraji saw the car turning and felt bad.
She called Brooks.

Taraji: pretend I'm somebody else. How is she?
Brooks: Mom, I told you I'm at work. She's not taking it well...
Taraji: take care of her okay? I will take care of everybody.
Brooks: I know you will Mom. Look I gotta go, Mom.

Brooks hung up.
"That's not your mom. My ex was on that phone. Why is she checking on me?"

"uh... Yes, she feels like she dragged you out here. You know you can get on the plane and just go back to the white house. They will be fine, they have bodyguards and a mother"

"I know. It's fine. I can do three days"

"you know why you are willing to stay here against your feelings and emotions Fantasia? because a part of you wants to be here. A part of you wants to be in New York too"

Fantasia didn't reply. They got to Brooks's household.
They hosted her well. She stayed in the room though.

That evening she asked her driver to take her to the warehouse. Her spot.
She got there and got inside. Taraji was inside.
They both felt each other's presence in the dark.

"Where are you... I know you here", Fantasia asked. "here! I'm kinda drinking. Don't worry I won't embarrass you, my driver is taking me home after this bottle" Taraji said sitting on the floor. Drinking scotch.
Fantasia lit her torch to locate her.
"Why the filthy floor?"

"I'm sitting on a box, plus, it ain't that filthy, somebody is cleaning this up. I think it belongs to somebody now, it could be our last chance to be here" Taraji said and sobbed. "everything I love is been taken away from me" Taraji sobbed.
Fantasia kept quiet.
"I know you don't wanna be here. You hate me, you hate our house and now our kids are suffering. You don't have to be here, I can take care of my kids"

"really can you? Says the woman who is sitting on a filthy floor with a bottle of scotch?"
"that doesn't mean anything. I helped you win the election with the same bottle."

"Don't patronize me"
"it's the truth. We both know it"

"so you getting drunk, go home and puke, then what?" Fantasia asked.

"take a bath and clean up my filth away and get in our bed and blackout. Wake up with a hangover and make breakfast for my family, and get to making you look good, like I always do"

"I already look good, I don't need you"
Taraji stood up. "really? So you don't need me? Then let me go. Tell the public we crossed ways, I will leave America with the twins, you can stay with everybody and our grandkids. I will go to Italy, my business needs me. You can finally go to public with your new woman. I don't care if you ruin my name in the process, I just want out, I can help you with that" Taraji said.

"you really want out?"

"What happened to your dream, dream of becoming the first lady, you living the dream Taraji, why would you wanna through that away?"
"it's not my dream. My dream was to be a wife, the first lady is just a title for me, I wanted to be the President's wife. Not an ex, this is somebody else's dream mine died. I want out Fantasia, cause I'm not happy"

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