The yes, Pleasure!

711 52 26

Halle was waiting for her mother to go home...
Fantasia walked into the house from her regular checkups, she hadn't talked to her daughter since the threesome issue that made her gag!
"Hey mom, can we finally talk this out please" Halle begged following her mother. "no!"
"Please! It's been 3 days."

"I intend to make it three more. Get off my back, Halle"

Taraji heard their conversation. "Mom you breaking my heart!"

Taraji rolled her eyes at her wife's response. "I'm sorry!" Halle said her heart was breaking. "Next time we will just do it at the hotel"

"Like that makes me any better"

"Mom I'm gonna be 21 soon, I have a great job and I'm getting good at it. I do everything great"

"then pay some bills," Fantasia said yelling. Halle looked at her. They were now in the kitchen where Taraji was.

"Fine, charge me rent, for food and electricity bills and everything you wanna add, I'll pay," Halle said.

"I already did the calculation. 900 dollars and I'm taking your car, my car"

Halle opened her eyes wide.  Her jaw dropped. "it's funny how you love me, Mom. Jack has a penthouse. He pays no bill. Zero, zilch but that is because he is your favorite. You love Jack more. Now that he made you a grandmother you love him even better. If Jack calls now asking for money, you will send it right away without thinking twice but me? No, I gotta pay some bills around here. 900 dollars no car. You know my paycheck but you still charge me that?"

Fantasia's phone rang. It was Jack. "get it Mom, is your favorite son"

Fantasia answered it.

Tasia: hey honey, I will call you back
Jack: Mom can I borrow your Ferrari for a week, my car broke down.

Taraji turned to look at her wife, Halle was looking right at her. Fantasia turned down the volume.

Tasia: I can't baby, I will be using it all week.
Jack: All alright I will take a cab then. Thanks, Mom, Are you feeling okay?
Tasia: yes honey I'm feeling better.
Jack: good. I will visit tomorrow. Love you
Tasia: love you back.

They hung up.

She immediately texted Jack.
*come pick it up tomorrow!*

"you just texted for him to come take the car... didn't you?" Halle asked
"let me see"
"Halle you are pissing me off"
"then I will make things easier for you. I will move out. I will go stay with Josh and Aunt Pam until I save enough money. Thanks a lot, Mom" Halle said tears running down. She looked at Taraji and left.

Fantasia looked at Taraji.
They were both speechless. Taraji had plenty to say but not to her sick wife. She was still tiptoeing she didn't wanna upset her.

"How was your check-up?"  Taraji asked. "good. I'm healing up fine. He also said my body can take a little sex"
She said smiling. "good. That's good. Excuse me I have a child to convince that she's loved just as equal as her brother" Taraji said walking past her wife. "she's just being dramatic" Fantasia muttered, Taraji looked at her wife, she was upset but didn't wanna show it. She walked away.

She found Halle sobbing in her bed.

"Hey, sweetheart. I don't wanna upset you but can I join you?" Taraji asked gently. Halle got up and hugged her. "I'm sorry Mama, I just get frustrated with Mom and Jack. She's unfair sometimes"

"I'm not saying you are right, but Jack is a big baby, and Mommy is enabling him because she feels she gotta. and you, you are strong like her, you are smart and responsible. Mommy is tough on you because she knows you can take it. Baby you are from her body, she knows what you are capable of"
"paying 900 rent from my internship check which she signs? How fair is that? Taking my car, Mom am I being punished or something 'cause it sure feels like it?"

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