Search party

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Continues from the Previous Chapter

Victoria wasn't as asleep as Taraji thought infect she didn't seem happy. She stayed put until Taraji fell asleep. She made sure of it before taking her phone and going to the bathroom.

Password⚠️Protected, Fingerprint, Face recognition, voice recognition, DNA detector.
"This shouldn't be hard I got options" She found Taraji's hair and used it for the DNA option. But that's not how it works...

*loading please wait*
"come on!" she went back and used face recognition which almost woke Taraji up.

"Yes!" she changed her clothes and texted Fantasia.
*I Need you, meet me at our spot*

She left the house, made calls then drove to the warehouse. "Hey Vic, what job did you have for me?" some muscled scary guy with two minions showed up. "Kidnapping. This woman is coming here. She's a cop so don't take this lightly. Tie her up lock her up and stay put until I communicate. I will pay you 500 thousand dollars in cash. First, 100 when you get her"

"alright sweet mama, got it!"
Vic left and went to hide in her car.
Fantasia arrived, in a cab. She doesn't usually do this or drive herself she has people for that but it was late so she thought why not?

She went inside the warehouse. She got attacked, she tried fighting her way out, but it was dark, she couldn't see. They smothered her with a handkerchief, she inhaled something. And then she was knocked out.

Vic paid 100 grand. They gave her a disposal phone. She Deleted the message she sent to Fantasia on Taraji's phone and went back home. Changed into a nightgown and went to her sleeping wife.

Meanwhile, the thugs took Fantasia outside New York City. Somewhere in Philly.
She tried waking up a few times but they just put her back to her sleep with the chemicals. She missed a full day.

Back in New York.
Evening time.

Halle had a date, she was barely home the whole day. Anna went back to her home. Jack went to his penthouse with Josh, they like hanging out sometimes.

Halle finally came home. Empty home, realized she hadn't seen her mother the whole day so she went to check on her, asking her to have dessert with her. She jogged up the stairs.

"Mom, Mama I'm coming in, Mom should I?" she said then knocked. "Fantasia!" she called. "okay Mom I hope you're decent and alone cause I'm coming in!" Halle said and opened the door. She saw nobody and walked in. "mama!"
She said going into the big closet. Empty!
"Momm!" she was starting to panic so she made a call while going into the bathroom.

Her heart started pounding. "Mom!" she shouted. Then called Taraji
Taraji: Hey baby I'm at work, can I call you back? It is hectic here.
Halle: she's not here (she cried)
Taraji: who's not there baby?
Halle: Mom is not here, she's gone. I called her, but her phone was disconnected. I called her team, but she wasn't with them today. I called Jack, The last time he saw her was last night when we were all together. Mom, mummy is gone. (she was crying uncontrollably) her phone is never even off, but now it is disconnected. Something is not right I can feel it.
Taraji: Baby I'm on my way. But I need you to do something for me... Check her Rolex, if it isn't there let me know.
Halle: Mom it's right here. I'm looking at it
Taraji: Damn it. Fuck! Call the cops now Halle.

Taraji cut the call, asked to be excused, and left the DA's office to Fantasia's house.

Halle fell in her arms. Jack and Josh came. Gabi came from work as well. Victoria came, and then the cops showed up.
"When was the last time you saw her? What was she wearing, who was the last person to see her?" the detective asked. Taraji was pacing, thinking hard.
"Last night around 9 pm. We were all here, she was wearing a robe, a black robe...I will check if it's there--" halle answered and then ran upstairs.

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