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The Next week

Fantasia fell asleep on a rocking chair with Baby Rome in her arms. Taraji took the baby from her and placed him on a diaper-changing bed. She changed him and placed him in his Crib then kissed her wife on the forehead.

Hours Later.
Taraji was sitting and chatting with her wedding planner Anthony. "This dress... You going to look like a queen with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Just perfect, you will be like the Queen of England." Tony said. Taraji faked a smile checking how much everything costs so far.
"I should just get married in my backyard," She said lowering her voice.

"what? Bite your tongue. You marrying the Senator, not the Janitor. Get along with the program girl" Tony said. Taraji's eyes were on the numbers on paper.
"Uh. Tony. Has my wife paid any of these bills?" Taraji was lowering her voice again. "Uh no, not yet, she told me she would today. She's been busy"

Taraji nodded, she looked worried. "Cheer up. It's your wedding. Your Paris wedding to a very hot woman!" Tony said

Taraji faked another smile.
"Now let's talk about your cake!" Tony said opening another magazine. "I need a drink. Can I get you anything?"

"Yes, get me, Jack. That boy is fine" Tony said. Taraji walked away.
Fantasia came downstairs. Looking tired. Very, unusually fatigued. Like somebody who is sick

"Hey, Senator!"
"morning Tony!"
"Actually is afternoon. Baby Rome or your wife? I mean who kept you awake all night girl"

"the baby," Fantasia said plopping on the couch. She sighed placing a hand on her forehead as if she was checking her own temperature.
"Since you here. This is the bill so far. And don't forget my pay." Tony gave Fantasia two budget sheets. She looked at it and swallowed hard.

"I will write you a check!" she said tossing the papers on the coffee table. "okay!" Tony said. Fantasia went to the gym.
Taraji and Tony picked a cake structure and the cater. They picked the menu
Then the reception venue.

The numbers kept moving up making Taraji uneasy. Taraji picked up Tony's bill and made calculations in her head. She picked a checkbook and wrote him a check.

"don't tell her I did this. If she pays you, take the money and pay for my dress. And we will figure the rest out okay"

Tony looked Worried. "Is everything okay Mrs B?"
"yes. I just don't want her to empty her life for me. Please, Tony. Between you and I, she's going through something financially. And I know she won't accept help. So I need you to be a team player here"

"Okay, queen. I will do as you ask"
"see you on Wednesday, my office?"

"you bet. Kisses" he said taking his stuff to go. He left.

Taraji wished to be more helpful about this but she was just about to get her wife a beautiful ring, and now paying for the wedding planner. One more expensive check to write she was gonna have to cut back her daily expenses. Like 2 morning coffee, Lunch at a restaurant, Gas money. Parking tickets when meeting clients. You know, things of that sense. 

she strongly felt like she needed a monthly payable loan. She was tempted to get one so that her wife wouldn't drench herself in financial stress.

"Hey, Bridezilla!" Halle teased her. "Ha ha!" Taraji said leaving the house.

Fast forward to a wedding. Two weeks later
A Day before the wedding in Paris France.
Taraji was there with the kids and Gabi. But Fantasia was still in New York City.

Gina showed up with her friend Layla, somebody she's been fucking behind her wife's back,.cause she remind her of the bride. Kassie and Paris showed up. Karly flew in.

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