Love Still Exist

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After that argument last night and Taraji leaving their Bedroom to sleep in another room,
The ladies haven't said much to each other until lunchtime.

Fantasia was eating her lunch while sitting with Dani, who was organizing her schedule. Taraji walked in., "Hey Brooks," she said. Approaching the espresso machine. "hey First Lady. Didn't see you this morning,.."

"yeah, busy," Taraji said making a fresh pot.
"So are you sure you want your meetings to be in the evening?" Dani was trying to confirm with Fantasia.
Taraji looked at her, and their eyes met. "uh, yeah!"
Taraji frowned, and Fantasia looked away.
"Okay, the weekly schedule is all done Madam P. Now if you two lovers could excuse me, my friends and I have a poker game set in an hour."

"Poker? You too. Why?" Taraji asked placing her hand on her waist.
"it gets our minds off things. Is not a big game or anything. It is more like a practice table." Dani said

"Well, promise me you will stop before you lose 5 million dollars or your freaking wedding ring"
Taraji said looking at her wife.

"5 what? Girl, I'm not even betting more than 500 dollar bills, my wedding ring? I'm not that stupid, that's just really stupid"

Fantasia choked on her food and coughed hard.
Dani handed her a glass of water.

"I know right like, who does that, unless they have a gambling problem?" Taraji said

Fantasia clenched her teeth,
"definitely a big problem. Anyway, ladies, I will see you later" Dani walked out. Taraji shot her eyes at Fantasia. 
Fantasia looked in her food nervously. "hey baby, slept okay?" Fantasia asked now lifting her face again.
"it wasn't good. I missed my wife a lot" Taraji confessed. "I missed you to baby, I couldn't even sleep," Fantasia said and outstretched her hand, Taraji took it. They squeezed each other's hands, looking into each other's eyes. Love was still there. Very much there.

Taraji's machine dinged. She let go and turned to her coffee. Fantasia just stared at her ass, she was horny. Taraji poured her Latte and headed out. "Have fun at your poker meeting later," she said while heading out. Fantasia breathed loudly, she knew Taraji knew she was still gambling.

Fantasia picked up her phone and called Queen Latifah.

Queen: Madame President, been long since I heard from you...
Tasia: I heard you can cheat in a game of poker.
Queen: (she chuckled) And I heard you were a king in that game...
Tasia: Was, I lost my gimmick. And I lost everything I had including my wife's respect. Wanna teach a friend how to cheat?
Queen: on our
Tasia: please be serious.
Queen: okay, are you settled? Get your chips and cards ready. Tell me when you are ready, don't hang up.
Tasia: Thank you. Okay... Let me get everything
Queen: I will be here.

That Evening.
Fantasia was leaving for her "meeting". we all know what that means.

Taraji was sitting with her kids, they were entertaining her with Tiktok videos. She was laughing with them. Fantasia got in the room. The kids kissed her, she dismissed them.

"There is nothing I can do to stop you, is there?" Taraji asked standing up and approaching her wife. "I just wanna win everything back baby please understand that"

"what if you can't Tasia? What then? You want your family to live with that humiliation. The broke first family."
"Look, I know you don't understand. But I gotta do this. I love you," She said and kissed her. "I won't be here when you return!" Taraji said.
"You will baby, you know why? Because Billie! you owe me this because you have been keeping a child from me." Fantasia threw a bomb at her wife and exited.
Taraji was shocked, she watched her hop in a car. They gave each other a last glance.

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