Sneaky Sex Or Genuine Love?

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Although it was hard for Fantasia, she got through a week without Taraji. Even their communication suffered, somewhere down the road it took a turn because Taraji had to be busy. Mostly because her arm took two bullets and she couldn't tell Fantasia. For a couple of days, she was in an excruciating pain

Week 2
Fantasia was in her office, checking her calendar. She had a reminder for when Taraji returns. It sucks cause it has only been a week. She tried calling her. It just rang

Then a couple of minutes later Taraji sent her a message

*Hey beautiful. I missed your call. I'm on the field, I will call you later. I missed you so much Tasia*

Fantasia was frustrated cause she hadn't heard her voice in three days.
Kelly walked in. "Chief, my friend Milly is here to fetch her phone. The phone you took at the hotel" Kelly reminded her.
"IT room," Fantasia said. Kelly nodded and walked out. After a while, Milly threw herself in the office.

"There are no pictures or videos on my phone" She complained. "yeah well, sue me," Fantasia said without a care in the world.
"Mrs Taylor, please. There were pictures of my dad on that phone. He died last year and his pictures get me through the toughest time of my life. And, There are pictures of my dead cat, that I lost as well. I know I wronged you by acting all Paparazzi on you and I apologize. But if there is anything you can do to recover pictures of both my dad and my cat. That will be great".

"they are gone. I'm sure you have social media that saved those pictures for you. So how about you stop bothering me and go bother social media platforms"
"you don't understand. I don't post pictures of them because they are no more. I don't see a point in putting them on social media, but I keep them on my phone for myself."
"I have Kids, I know when to punish them even when it hurts me. It pains me about your dad and cat. But there is absolutely nothing I can do to help"
Milly started sniffling. Then she started crying.

Fantasia took a deep breath and then dialed the IT room.
"You remember the phone I asked you to flush? Saved anything in the recycling bin? Okay. Select pictures that are recurring like pictures of a cat and an old man. She is coming for them." Fantasia said on the phone.
"thank you so much, Mrs Taylor"
"Chief" Fantasia corrected. "Thank you, Chief"

"pull that stunt again. Or anything like that, you will be sorry"

"I won't, I promise"
"good, walk away" Milly obeyed.

Week 3
One midnight while sleeping, her phone went off and woke her up

Tasia: hello
Taraji: hey baby. I'm sorry I was not reachable.
Tasia: I was worried sick. Are you okay?
Taraji: I am now.
Tasia: now? What happened?
Taraji: I got shot twice last week. I didn't wanna worry you. But I'm all healed up now. I can't wait to come home.
Tasia: come home so I can take care of you.
Taraji: that sounds really good. Let me complete the mission and I will be home with you and the kids. How are they?
Tasia: the kids are fine baby. They miss you every day. But not like I missed you.
Taraji: I missed them too. And I miss the hell out of you. And your body and your lips. My pussy throb thinking about things I wanna do to you.
Tasia: is it a long list? Because I can reserve all the time you need.
Taraji: it is long enough.
Tasia; I like that.
Taraji: go back to bed okay? I will be home in a few.
Tasia: I can't wait. Love you.
Taraji: love you.


"got him." Agent Deluca told Taraji. Taraji stood up and pulled her vest to put it on. "what the fuck are you doing?" She asked Taraji. "getting ready!"
"like hell you are you are shot. And you got shot trying to save my life so... No! You stay here and play guard. Me and the boys got this"
"Are you benching me?" Taraji snapped. "yes. Please stop fighting this. I don't want you to get hurt again"
"yeah well? It comes with the job." Taraji said patching up her vest.

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