Is The War Over?

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A couple of days later.

Fantasia had a coding that required resuscitation. She was taken to a hospital.

Taraji finally called the kids to come home.
She told them the truth. They were angry and frustrated with her, they cursed and yelled at her. She took it all. Gabi checked if she was a match. She wasn't. They all checked.

Her father donated a kidney. Jack donated a piece of his liver. Taraji donated blood. Her other organs were slowly functioning after surgery. She was still unconscious.

Gina was in the on-call room crying. Lisa walked in. She wiped her tears sniffling.
Lisa knelt next to her. She took her hands. "You did amazing today. You did your best, other doctors are singing your praises, honey. It is up to God now" She said. "I really want her to come back. I missed a lot of sisterhood moments I need her to wake up. I wanna take my sister on a date. I need her to wake up"

"she will baby, her doctor is a genius. She's gonna wake up, she has to" Lisa hugged Gina tightly. "Lisa, I think I'm falling for you baby, so don't run okay!" Lisa felt her heart rising. "I'm not going anywhere" They shared a kiss. The door opened. Gina skipped away. Her wife walked in. "I'm sorry I was on a call when you texted," she said then looked Lisa up and down. Lisa returned the attitude. "everywhere I turn, there you are holding my wife's hands, don't you have anything better at all to do?" Beth asked Lisa
"Maybe you should turn the other way because I'm not going anywhere."
"We shall see about that!"
Lisa stood up and walked close to Beth. "you don't scare me, Bethany, I barely flinch. If anybody should be frightened is you cause I beat your ass once and I can do it again. Right here, just say a word!" Lisa challenged Bethany. Beth bit her lip.

"See, you can only open your bloody mouth when I'm five feet away," Lisa said.
"You are a desperate bitch if you think my wife is gonna give up everything for your sorry ass"
Lisa slapped Beth.

Gina clenched her teeth and stood up. "I don't have time for this today. I have a family that needs me." she said and fished in her coat she gave each surgical scissors. "kill each each other, see if I care!" she said and stormed out.

Lisa smirked. "I will keep this for when you wanna run your mouth!"
"what do you want from Gina?" Beth asked. "Her heart. I want it so badybadly willing to kill for it"

"You want money. I did a little research. I know you have nothing in your name. Your apartment is in my wife's name. Your mini Cooper? In her name. You know when she finally dumps you... You will be homeless with nothing. So you try too much. You look desperate." Lisa was heading out. Beth pushed her gently. "I can pay you off to leave my wife the bloody hell alone, 2 million Ps." Lisa looked at her. "your own apartment, own car.  Or don't take it, and watch me dig deep into your background. I know I will find something from your baby daddy, something my wife would never tolerate, and poof, it will be all over," Beth said.

"Beth, why are you terrified dead?"
"I'm not terrified. Gina chose me, she met you first, but she chose me. Do you want the money or not?"
Lisa swallowed hard. "5 million Ps!"


"now!" Lisa said. Beth walked to the table and pulled a pen and checkbook. She wrote the check. "Lisa Pinkerton right?" Lisa just looked at her. She signed and handed it. Lisa was ready to receive it. Bethany pulled away. "you leave tonight. Break this and get on my private plane or else, I'm gonna destroy you, starting with your child's custody " Beth said and handed it. Lisa snatched it, looking frustrated, and stormed out.

The entire morning that check bothered her.

She needed advice and the person who would help her was unconscious. She went to her room either way.
Taraji was there with her Halle.
"Taraji can I speak with you,  just for a minute, I messed up and need someone to talk to"
Taraji stood and walked outside with her.

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