Power Means Everything

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The following day at work.

Taraji arrived earlier than usual. She got her partner Detective Brooks some latte. She was happy to have her back.

"that's for always standing by me, thanks partner"  Brooks smiled. "you do the same for me. Well, there is murder," Brooks said. "let's go," Taraji said standing up to leave.

"not so fast..." The Captain said blocking Taraji's way out. Taraji and Detective Brooks looked at him then attach other.

"so I see you are back," he said. "I was never gone Cap," she said

"Maybe not this time..." the Ladies looked at each other again. "the next time you pull shit like that in my unit, you will be gone, for good this time, and need I remind you that, both the Chief and the Mayor will back me up on this one, see, the chief hates your guts and wants you gone for good, the only reason you here is because I always backed you up. But not anymore, I am best friends with the Mayor and I can fire you at any minute without having to worry about Ethics. I am friends with powerful people Detective and I can see that your career in this department never sees the light of day. Now go to work!" he said in a commanding voice and stepped into his office slamming the door.
"Now he hates you too?" Brooks asked puzzled.

Taraji felt dizzy and fell flat dizzily on her chair. "I will go check our murder. Stay here, I will call okay?" Brooks said.

"and give him a fast reason to fire me? Oh, No, let's go" Taraji said. They left the building.

Taraji wasn't okay. She threw the car keys to Brooks. "You Drive. I need to make a call or maybe a couple of calls"

Detective Brooks drove.
Taraji made a call to call ID - John, who didn't pick up.
She sighed and called Fantasia.

After three Rings.
Tasia: I'm busy, Detective, what can I do for you?
Taraji: my job, how worried do I need to be?
Tasia: what are you asking me?
Taraji: You publicly hate me the whole unit knows it. Now my captain needs me out too, he's just waiting for me to flop, and knowing me, I won't last 24 hours. So I guess what I'm asking is, are you gonna let him take everything from me?
Tasia: ask me the right question
Taraji: Chief Barrino-Taylor can I count on you to help me keep my job at the unit?

Brooks was just listening and driving.

Tasia: Meet you at your place at 7. Cook something for me. And oh Detective... Wear something sexy.

Fantasia dropped the call

Taraji froze. The speaker was on high volume Brooks heard it.
She turned to look at Taraji with her jaw hanging.
She burst out laughing. "she doesn't hate you, she wants you? She wants to get nasty. Now she's using your desperation to get what she wants" Brooks said laughing.
Taraji kept quiet.

"Oh my Gosh Henson, you want the chief?"

"no. No! No.its complicated okay."

"how complicated? Have you done this before? Cook for her, wearing something sexy?"

Taraji nodded a little. Brooks's jaw dropped. "spill!".

"that was about a decade ago okay, it's a very long time ago. She used me then, and she wanna use me now but this time I'm not shallow, naive, stupid, and dreamy. So it never gonna happen. I will wait for her, but I'm not gonna shower or change or cook for her ass." Taraji sounded frustrated. Brooks was laughing. "you like her! Oh Gosh you like The Chief"
"I don't-do not" Taraji defended.
Brooks looks her in the eyes.
"no... You love her!"

"Just drive the damn car" Taraji lashed out.
"we here" Brooks announced and got off the car. Taraji groaned before getting off at a crime scene.

Going back to the Prencict to solve a murder. She noticed that the Captain was being nasty to her all day.
"just go sleep with the Chief, what do you have to lose? keep your job here, and when Captain Mean and Nasty strikes, you will have a backup. Think about Jack." Brooks whispered in her ear.

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