A Fantasia Gesture

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That midnight.

Brooks and Gabi both went back to their lives.
Taraji couldn't sleep, so she decided to pour scotch. She was in the kitchen hand Shaking on the grip of a bottle. She was starting to lose herself in the stress. Fantasia's hand held hers tight. "Hey, let me" Fantasia whispered softly.
Taraji let go. Fantasia poured two glasses of scotch.

They both sat down around the coffee table.
"Thanks!" Taraji said accepting her drink.
"I'm sorry I blacked out on you sweetheart, it is no excuse but I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. Baby, I wanna tell you that your feelings are valid, your pain is valid to me, and I care very much. Would you forgive me?"

"I understand. And if need be, I do forgive you and I hope one day--I hope you will forgive me. forgive me for breaking your mom's painting. It was a mistake, my fist was caught in the wrong wall and I --"...
"I forgive you. I will get it fixed at a gallery. Don't even worry about a painting. It's art, somebody can redesign it. I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about you. I know you are not okay. But I would like it if you let me in. Tell me how I can make it better, fix it, make it okay. What should I do baby tell me"

"Nothing just hold me please," Taraji said feeling vulnerable. Fantasia got up and pulled her from her chair and held her. "like this?"
Taraji exhaled and hugged Fantasia tight.

"Okay, let's get to bed. Maybe together, we can catch some sleep 'cause clearly, we are struggling separately," Fantasia said and took Taraji to bed. Her bed.

They held each other until they both fell asleep.

In the morning Fantasia woke feeling like herself again

She was drinking some tea, getting ready for a press release. Halle and Jack stepped inside. Josh was not around. He is never around because Ken's sister always picks him up.

"Morning babies, I have a proposal for you two, sit down," Fantasia said. They looked at each other surprised at how cheerful she looked. They sat down.
"I'm kicking my Campaign a notch. So I'm gonna hire both of you. Jack, I've seen your Instagram page, it's amazing and professional I love it. So I want you to join my PR team"

"Are you kidding me? Yes Mom I would love to, thank you. When do I start?"

"as soon as you apologize to Mom. She told me how you hurt her with your words. I love you kids very much. You share my DNA 99% and you come from me. But... That woman? Y'all that woman is the love of my life and I can not have her attacked like that. So if I were you, son, I would start by going to the coffee shop two blocks away. Next to it, there is a flower shop. Make it up to my woman or baby boy I am firing you before you even start."

Jack nodded. "I will get to it right away"


"what about me? What do I have to do?"

"as my new Personal assistant. You need to get my broken painting to this address. Get it repaired, even if it doesn't look the same, I'm good with it. And congratulations to both of you. Make mommy proud. And oh, I'm not your mother at work no special treatments. Get to work" She said. They both left the kitchen hurrying to their rooms to get change.

Later on, Taraji woke up. The whole family was at work.

She called Brooks
Brooks: hey, I was worried sick. Did you sleep okay?
Taraji: have I told you lately that I love you? Also Thank you.
Brooks: I love you right back. You okay?
Taraji: I will be okay...eventually.
Brooks: good. Don't ever scare me like that again.
Taraji: promise. Talk later...
Brooks: later...

Her kids stormed inside. Jack tossed the keys. Halle tossed her handbag. They both looked pissed off.

"Okay, how was your first day at work?"
"Horrible!" they both barked.

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