Part 6

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Two years later.

This is what happened.
Fantasia confronted Taraji about cheating. She admitted it. Things got messed up between them. They broke up but didn't sign because of the public. Fantasia won the elections with Taraji's help as first lady duties, they keep up public appearances, and do it so well you wouldn't tell they broke up. They live together in the white house. Putting the FIRST FAMILY on the map.

America loves them. People are even obsessed, but they are just obsessed with a lie. Their love died, they just doing it for the public, and their kids and a few people they trusted knew the truth. Fantasia was actually seeing someone, her name was KC. She has a thing about moving on fast because of her fear of being alone. Taraji as always, struggles to move on from Fantasia. She was single.

The twins are 7 years old now and smarter. Josh was famous, his music hitting the billboards... Jack and Lana have a baby girl and are getting married.
Brooks was head of security at the Whitehouse, so she was back and forth from New York to DC.

Taraji's real life sucked, there was nothing to it but guilt and regrets.
All she looks forward to, to make her day is public speaking Next to the President because after her speech she usually gets a kiss from The President. As silly and pathetic as that sounds. Fantasia's fake kisses make her day... Always. But as for Fantasia, her ego was crushed into so many pieces, that she seemed to have really moved on with her life.

Taraji was about to leave the white house, as she and Fantasia had to go to Fantasia's Shelter in Brooklyn. Taraji was looking forward to going home with Fantasia. They haven't been to New York in a long time. Taraji missed home.

She got in the back of her car.
"Morning First Lady, I'm sorry you and Madame President didn't communicate. She canceled the trip," the driver said. This is the third time Fantasia has canceled their trip to New York.

"I might have forgotten again. My bad." gosh that was humiliating. She felt like she was being punished. She got out of the car and back inside.

She heard Fantasia laughing with KC in the living room. Her heart broke, she couldn't confront her about it cause in private they were not talking at all. She stood at the entrance and looked at them. Fantasia pretended she didn't see her. KC looked at her, eyes communicating "Don't you just look stupid right now!". They looked at each other. Taraji walked away. She went to her room to cry.

"So baby what's on the Agenda today?" KC asked. "maybe we should go to LA, you show me your home town"
"perfect. You are perfect. I will go get packed" KC said walking out. Fantasia frowned, she played what just happened in her head, she knew she was dead ass wrong but she was never gonna apologize to her ex.

Taraji texted Brooks.

*Hey Dani, when are you going home? I would like to ride with you*

*tonight. But I can't ride with you baby girl, the President gave me specific orders regarding taking you anywhere without her consent. I'm sorry I can't help*

Taraji felt defeated.
She couldn't stop her tears.
She decided to go through her invitations.
She got an invite from the view. They wanted her to schedule the day for a live show. She scheduled for that Friday, she just needed to get out of the house.

Fantasia's head of PA got a call to make a surprise appearance to the View, to surprise her wife and the audience.
"Madame President, they are waiting for a reply".
"Sorry, I'm busy," Fantasia said.
The View producers were disappointed cause that was gonna be a great show. They called Kassie, the former first lady who they found out was Taraji's friend, to fill the gap. Kassie accepted.
Taraji went on the view and made everybody happy with a huge smile plastered on her face. Since the broadcast was live.
Fantasia was watching it from her hotel with KC.

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