Growing In Love

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A month Later
The Day Before Jack and Lana's wedding.
In New York City.

Her family from Taxes just arrived. It was her parents, her two big brothers, their wives and kids, and her slutty, Jealous Cousin Ally.

The parents were just meeting and getting to know each other in the Living room.

"Hey, Country folks!" Zach said wearing a cowboy hat. "Zach!" Fantasia scolded her child. Lana's parents chuckled.

"Howdy Country Folks" Zoe said stepping in. "Oh God, we apologize for this," Taraji said.
"Mom, it's a compliment, don't you know, Taxes hold 'em?" Zoe asked...
"What?" Taraji was confused.
"Oh, I forgot. You are old"
Taraji gasped. "don't even do that Mom, or try to tell us you're not old because look, 'cause you're old" Zach added. Taraji stood up
"I'm gonna need a drink," she said walking away.
Their guests laughed.
She walked to the kitchen

"Are you quite done Upsetting my wife?"

"don't think we don't know you are a couple of months older than her... So you older" Zach said.
"boy I will shove you back in her womb if you don't stop," Fantasia said. The twins looked at each other and faked a big smile. "Hey mother, you look pretty, where is your young-looking wife?" they said  "Get out of here!"
Their guests were laughing hard.

"What are you doing here? I didn't invite you" Lana told Ally.
"Don't be silly, I invited myself. Hey, what with Chloe Bailey? Gay? Cause I can turn gay for that ass"
"Straight, not into nobodies." Lana shot.
"Oh, I'm a nobody now? You think because you marrying that pretty boy, you are better than me? Because you marrying into money you feel like you got some too? You ain't shit and this little wedding? I came to shut down. I should meet Jack tonight. Fuck his brains out and there won't be no wedding" Ally said walking into the Kitchen where Taraji was, who just heard their conversation.

"First Lady, you are so pretty in person--"
"Cut the Bull. I know why you are here. But let me tell you something, you mess with my kids, I'm gonna cripple you. See hon' ...Lana is my daughter now, and I don't appreciate anyone raining on her parade. You gonna behave yourself by default at this wedding. You are not gonna touch anyone. Or sass anyone. Or talk shit to or about anyone, you gonna zip your pipe until you leave, I'm gonna have guards watching you like a holk. Any mistake they gonna shove you in a suitcase and kick it towards Texas. Are we Fucking Clear?" Taraji said. Ally swallowed hard and nodded. "I don't hear you..."
"Yes first Lady," she said. Taraji walked out with her drink...

Lana overheard that and smiled.

While Taraji was talking to her parents and her wife, sipping her drink. She embraced her from behind. "Oh oh... You smothering me, Aboard!" She said. "This is to say thank you for having my back in the kitchen with my Cousin. She's too much and I don't know how to handle her. You did that for me, thank you, Mama".
"I got you," Taraji said.

While they were talking. Fantasia saw Dani drinking Wine and trying to find a spot to mingle in the full house. "excuse me" She said and walked towards her. "Having fun?" Fantasia asked. "I'm trying, but I don't seem to fit anywhere"
"Follow me in my study?"
"Sure!" They went to the study room.
Fantasia shut the door.

"I realized the reason you don't fit in is that you are usually with us, and things between us are pretty rough. Danielle, I'm really sorry about what happened in Australia. I led you on. And when you reacted to that, I acted unfairly to you. You were right before, when I don't have Taraji in my life, I act very stupid and very selfish and I hurt people. I hurt a friend. My kids's aunt, my wife's best friend. My freaking right man. I am so sorry Danielle"

"I hurt you and Taraji too. I lost it and that was wrong. I forgive you Fantasia and I apologize too. And I am so happy you are back in good health. Your relationship has been blossoming for months now. I'm happy"

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