Not Without A Fight

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The following morning in Boston.

Fantasia was cranky as fuck, she was upset about the previous night when she was about to get ex-sex and Brooks called and took two hours of Taraji's time which she slept through the waiting period. 'two hours? Unbelievable!' she thought.

She was mad, boy was she moody.
The family gathered for breakfast. The help dished out for the family. Taraji joined them after looking for something to put on. She wore Fantasia's sweater. It was like a short dress on her.

"Baby girl, when did you get here?" Ben said squeezing Taraji into a hug. "Hey pops, about a couple of hours ago. I'm still sleepy."

"phone calls keeping you up?" Fantasia asked rhetorically. Taraji ignored that. "eat up, then get some rest"
"I would love to pops but I'm already booking a ticket back home".
"Taraji is too busy Dad," Fantasia said. "yeah I have my first court to preside tomorrow and need to prepare for it" Taraji added. "oh of course, and Congratulations," Stepmother said. "yeah Raji also has a very horny friend to fuck, and she can't wait to get home. congratulations baby you turned her gay"


"Fantasia!" Her Father barked. "what dad? You don't like the word horny? Cause if I recall, it was you who was horny when my mother was sick, you fucked that piece of shit and she fucking killed my mother for this life and you gave it to her because you were horny. Just like my wife here, she's horny and desperate,"

Taraji's jaw hung at how correct she was about her but Taraji wondered if everything else she mentioned was also true.

"watch your mouth baby girl, you are in my house," Her stepmother said "Your house? bitch this is my mother's hard work. Her blood and sweat. The hardworking first wife that you poisoned, built this. It is my mother's house. You came from nothing, you were just a maid and sure still look like one"
Taraji raised an eyebrow.

"you're gonna let her talk to us like this?" She asked her husband, he looked at his intimidating daughter.
"Fantasia shut up or leave my house"
"I'm not going anywhere old man. Didn't you hear me say my mother's house? I'm gonna stay here until my mother puts me out!"

"...oh that's right, she can't. She was killed"

"Jameson! Jameson!" Her stepmother called security. Two of them showed up. Buffy, is tall, and masculine. "I won't be disrespected in my house, put her out" She pointed. "Touch me. You fucking die in her muthafucking place" Fantasia warned them.
They pulled her up, aggressively, they were about to pull her out. Taraji stood up. "Leave my wife the fuck alone."

They didn't listen. "You don't know who I am so I will introduce myself. I'm a federal Judge meaning I'm powerful in every state in this country. One phone call and you will be on a run for your lives for the rest of your lives. Unless you are all clean and don't have a rough past or tax problem then you can pull her out. But hey, hurt her... It's gonna be me and y'all and I don't back down without a fight. As for me, I'm an ex-cop, a former detective, and a former FBI agent. I'm a former AD. I know every corner of the law and know how to burn it. If I were you at this point hurting my wife's arm, I would think twice because every handprint on her body can be used against you and you won't be able to escape it. So now... Let's start over, gently put my wife down or I'm making a call, your choice"

They placed her back on her seat. Ben was impressed. The stepmother became acrimonious.
Fantasia was angry that this was really about to happen in her parent's house.
Taraji looked at Ben. "I love you, you know that right?"
He nodded. "But if what my wife is saying is the truth. Even for the slightest possibility, I'm Going to put your wife to a life imprisonment or life sentence. So I'm gonna start digging into your wife's death. If anything at all proves that she was poisoned. This bitch is going away forever" Taraji said picking up her phone from the table. She walked away. "This absurdity gotta stop. I won't be attacked and disrespected in my own home, I won't, I tell you" The stepmother stormed out. 

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