Danielle falls

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Warning, might trigger

The ride was long...
The two ladies at the back didn't even realize it cause they fucked in the car, and talked, and reconnected. So Dani heard them have sex and heard their conversation which was mostly about how they would like the other person to treat them in their new and developed relationship.

"Did we just stop or is another stop sign?" Taraji asked. "I think we stopped. Who's driving?" Fantasia asked Taraji. "I don't know, maybe Brian?"

"Brian, buddy where are we?" Fantasia asked.
No response. They looked at each other. Fantasia looked out the window, they were in the woods.
"what the..."

"What baby?" Taraji asked peeking. "oh my God, baby are we being kidnapped? Call the cops" Taraji said. Fantasia called Brian.

Dani got off and opened their door, "It's just me, put that Down, we need to talk. The three of us. Are you coming or not?" Dani asked.

"Coming where? Into the freaking woods?" Fantasia asked. "no, inside." She said. They looked at each other and got off. "Watch your steps, baby," Fantasia said giving Taraji a boost.

They saw a creepy house but followed her

Taraji texted Halle.

*911. Trace my phone. Save the location if mommy and I don't come home by morning call the cops, not the NYPD, not the security. Just the DEA or FBI. Don't tell the others anything. And don't panic...

She was about to send it. Fantasia took her phone. "We can't scare the kids, baby. Is the two of us. We can handle anything together, if she got more men in there, we just stick together. You and I are a powerful storm together, we got this. Just do that thing you do when you read my eyes. Okay?"
."Okay baby, you're right."

They got inside.

There were chairs in the room. They sat down. She sat down.

Danielle kicked her hills off. She was now wearing a hoodie on top of her party dress. Taraji wanted so badly to kick her shoes off too, but her feet would be cold. Dani put on her boots.

"have another pair for an old friend?" Taraji asked kicking her shoes too.
"No. Socks?"'

"Yes...please" Taraji was shocked she talked to her.

Dani stood and opened some gym bag and pulled out clean socks and a hoodie, Taraji was wearing a backless dress, and it was cold as hell there.
She handed them. Taraji put on the Hoodie, it looked good on her, very baggie
They both smiled. "What?" she asked them. "you look really hot," Fantasia said.

"And younger," Dani said. Taraji smiled. "Thanks, you guys. So... Can we wrap this up D, 'cause it is freezing out here" Taraji said.

Dani stood up and paced. "you two play too much with people's feelings and hearts..." She began. They looked at each other.

"You lead people on all the time only to go back to each other. Am I warm or should I give examples?"

"You are warm," Taraji said. "Not to me. Give me evidence of your speculation Brooks"
Fantasia said. "Victoria. Taraji you led her on and made her think you loved her, but you chose Fantasia and where is she now? Luna, Nyla, Gina, where the hell is Gina? Away from you two. And you... The Poor girl Melody, now KC, you led me on, and I was nearly one of your victims. Or I am. You both used me. She slept with me to flush you off her system, and when that didn't work out, she dumped me, now you kissed me in Australia now you wanna toss me to the side like your sloppy second"

"You Kissed her?"

"She kissed me. Dani, you are out of your mind. I didn't kiss you. Tell her the freaking truth" Fantasia screamed.
"So I imagined it?"
"Bitch yes!" Fantasia was starting to lose it. "Tasia let's not get hasty, name calling really..?"

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