Halle Broke Her Mother

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Gina woke up from the hospital. She saw flowers on her bed. She read the card.

*Baby I'm so sorry. I was hurt and drunk, I didn't mean to hurt you, Gina. I'm sorry*
Gina tossed away the flowers.

A few hours later, Taraji discovered that Lisa was missing.
Gina was discharged with Jack and her father. Taraji took them home to rest, leaving her wife with Halle.

"Are you really in love or has the thought of death changed you, Mom?" Halle asked her mother. "both Buttercup. I can't let toxic stuff make me miss out on loving your mother or loving you guys. I'm grateful to be alive and I'm appreciative to be in love. Positive vibes only. Now tell me about your love life. What have you decided to do?"

"I decided to wait for Hailey but Mom it is hard every day cause I'm falling for Paris is like...she knows she ain't got my heart but is working hard to win and Mom she's winning. She's even flying here soon just to see you and make sure I'm okay"

"Go with the flow, it will lead you to the right decision. Don't listen to your heart though cause your heart wants what it wants even if what it wants doesn't want it back. So follow the journey, not the heart"

Halle smiled.  "it is sad about Victoria though right? Her fans are going crazy. Tragic, is Mama taking it well?"

"I'm not sure, you gonna have to ask her. Have they found Lisa yet?"
"I'm waiting for Aunt Gina to call. What went down, Mom? I mean she ends up in a hospital, doesn't wanna talk about it then Lisa gets missing? Did Lisa knock Auntie Gina and run?"

"I don't think so. Lisa is violent but soft-hearted, I know her type, I married one. She wouldn't hurt the woman she loves"

"you are also one mom. You are the leader of that squad. Okay, I hope you are right. I need something to eat. I'm just gonna run down the street. Need anything?"

"fruits and a bottle of water oh, bring me a green salad"

"got it. Be right back" Halle said and walked away.
Somebody stood at the entrance.
Fantasia turned her head. It was Sonia.

"You and your wife are resilient I wanna give you that"

Fantasia's phone beeped.
"don't get that!" Sonia said pulling a gun at Fantasia. "what are you doing?"

"it was me who ordered the hit!" she said. " what are you talking about?"

"Vic and Luna? They worked for me. I'm not running from anyone. My documents are fine, I was playing your ass"


"It's my wife, --"

"too bad you won't say any last words now... You know I hate that bitch"

"Sonia put your gun down. And let me answer my wife. Then you can kill me after telling me why"

"Go ahead"
on call.

Tasia: 2746332. 1167435. 5932795
Taraji: she's there, isn't she?
Tasia: tell me you got the numbers
Taraji: your safe deposit boxes. I got it.
Tasia: take care of our kids, I love you Taraji
Taraji: Tell me a story. A good story, don't hang up
Tasia: when Halle was born. I had a dream that felt real. My mother was walking me in the woods. When I got there, she disappeared. I looked around. I saw you, my sisters, a little boy, and fire in between us.
Taraji; you doing great...
Tasia: I had to go through fire to get to you.

"Hang up!" Sonia yelled

Tasia: I gotta go, baby
Taraji: hey,
Tasia: I need to hear that story later. You can Hang up
Fantasia hung up and put the phone away

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