Butt Dial Your Speed Dial

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A few days later

Taraji was officially "in between jobs"
It was already getting hard for her, trying to hide it from her son was the most difficult part, the worst scenario you can think of.
She tried keeping it together for him. Meanwhile, he was not being a good boy. He started selling dope, mixing with the wrong people.

Halle found out. She ran to her mom for help.

Her parents were snuggling on a couch. her father was Being naughty under the small cover, trying to get some, Fantasia was kinda comfortless with what her husband was up to.   Halle interrupted.

"hey Dad, Mom can I ask for a favor? In private"
Saved by the Bell Fantasia.
"of course honey," She said getting off that couch. She couldn't get off fast enough, what's wrong Tasia, no sex with hubby?
Halle pulled her to the kitchen.

Fantasia pulled wine from her wine collection and opened it, Halle waited for her. She gulped from a bottle.

Another gulp. And another. "okay!" Halle said lifting the bottle from her. She took it. "enough!" she said.
"Although you gonna need a drink after hearing this" Halle said. "what?"

"It's Jack!"
Fantasia rolled her eyes. "he's in jail. Mom, he needs bail." fantasia shook her head. "what? No! I can't, I can't get involved baby. Call his mother"
"he doesn't want her to know"

"What is he in for?"

"position of drugs and..."
"Murder!" Fantasia inhaled in shock. She didn't exhale until her daughter handed her the wine bottle again. She gulped every last drop.

"how much?" she asked shivering from the burning of alcohol.
"1 million dollars"
Fantasia Nodded after a few beats. "no word to your dad about this okay"
"you know you can trust me," Halle said.

"I think I drank too much already. Let me refresh and you drive" She said.

They made bail.
Jack was out. "thank you, Mrs Taylor," Jack said.
"Why would you do this Jack, your mother did better by you, she's working herself to death, literally killing herself so you could have life. Why would you do this to her?" Fantasia asked. Jack started tearing up. "she has no one else but me. If I don't help her who will? The stupid ass Mayor sabotaged her career. Why can't he leave us alone huh? My mom is raising me by herself and all she asked for was a job and he's being a Jerk. His son driving luxurious cars and he can't make foolproof I have food on my table." he lashed out it was emotional.

Fantasia swallowed hard. "Honey, it's okay. Look at me, I got you and your mom. You don't need John. I got you" She said. Halle smiled.
"How? My mom won't accept hands out"
"Trust me, I know your mom better than anyone. I will fix this. Let's get you home"

They took Jack home.

Insisted on making sure he was home safe. They made it upstairs. The door was opened.
They all looked at one another.

"get behind me," Fantasia said. The kids moved behind, walking slowly behind her.

She pulled her gun from nowhere. They didn't even know she was carrying.

She shifted in motion pointing her gun side by side. "I will check the rooms," she told the kids. She found Taraji on the floor, bleeding, beaten up, unconscious.

"Taraji!" she shouted. The kids ran into the room. "Ma!" Jack howled. "back up baby, don't touch her," Fantasia said putting her gloves on. Halle looked at her mom thinking. "woman, what else do you keep in that baggy jacket?"

Fantasia called her team.
They came racing. Checking pulse, taking DNA. Putting yellow tapes. Cleaning blood. Putting Taraji on a stretcher, and making her stable before taking her to the hospital. They handed Fantasia the DNA Tests. She pulled out her work phone which was also a DNA scanner. She scanned.

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