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A week later.

Lana was crying in her office when Taraji stepped in with one of her students who won the competition in class, a quiet shy girl named Veronica. They just call her Nica.

"knock, knock!"
Lana immediately wiped her tears. "uh, yes" she said still wiping. Taraji noticed that she was crying.
"I brought in your mentee. Bad timing?"
"No. No, I was just, this time is as good as any. Come on in"
After meeting her, Taraji sent her to get soda at the vending machine. The girl exited the office.

"Okay, now, talk to me. Who's ponytail do I have to snatch?"
"Maybe Jan's, the girl is ruining my life, my husband wants me to sign because he and Jan are engaged. I'm looking at the papers and I just wanna scream because I might be pregnant and I lied about being on a pill, now I'm late. If I tell him, I'm pregnant... He will hate me more because I lied, I should have told the truth and taken a morning-after pill. But no, I had to act irresponsibly and stupidly."
Lana sniffled.
"So you and your stupid ass husband are sleeping together, and he still wants divorce to marry a girl he doesn't love? Honey, what is it you ain't doing right?"

"he doesn't? He seemed to care about her"
. "sure, he cares. He was raised to care about women, he's not a monster. But he doesn't love Jan, if he did he would have brought her to meet the family officially, instead, he's been dodging us. Hey, he's crazy about you. Don't punish the baby and just stand up and play his little game. Sign the damn papers and find something around here to flirt with. I know my son, he is jealous like my wife. He will panic and soon he will come to his senses" Taraji said.

"But I don't want to sign. I don't wanna throw my marriage away Taraji. I love my husband and I want him to remain my husband"
"Sometimes shit gets out of control baby this is one of the things. To win him, you need to act like you are done as well. But you can find another way to do it. You know the man in him than me, I only know the boy in him. Stop crying and baby, we got you and the baby. I promise you"
"I know you do. Thank you."

While they were talking Jack stopped by.
"Morning Ma, good to see you," he said kissing Taraji on the cheek. "good to see you too. See you on Sunday brunch, love you. Lana I will call you" Taraji said excusing herself.

"Came for the papers? they are right here, I can just sign them" Lana said. "oh uh, no. I came to ask you to pick the kids up later, I am taking an extra shift, so I'm not sure how crazy it will be for me, can you manage or should I ask Jan"
"I will manage" Lana lied, she just felt like it was a competition and she was losing.

"Okay thank you, where you crying?"
"is all I do these days," Lana said. "What's wrong?"
"what's wrong? I'm losing my husband, that's what's wrong, so I cry"...
Jack was speechless.
A guy who's been asking Lana out walked in with a file.

"I'm swamped, can you take this case?" he asked.
"Everybody is busy and wants me to do everything," Lana complained under her breath, jack swallowed hard.

"Sure I will take it, and Jake, I will also be available tonight to grab that drink too, and meet the new people"
"or you could just meet me, I would love to go out with you. Say 7, I will pick you up" Jake said. "I will just meet you there at seven, just text me the place," Lana said. Jake smiled and walked out...

"What are you doing?".
"Reading a case file, why?"
"no, I mean with that clown, what are you doing with him?"
"He has been asking me out for a year now, I kept telling him I was married, and now my marriage has proven to be over," Lana said signing the papers.

Jack clenched his fist. Lana handed the papers. Jack looked at them and then at Lana. He snatched them and tore them apart and tossed them down and stormed out.
Lana smiled from ear to ear. She texted Jake.

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