What The Future Holds...

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The following day in New York City.

Chloe was so nervous to meet Taraji in person, so she just went to see her in court, in Action.
However, Taraji didn't see her.

She then went back to her hotel.
"I can't do this, we need to go home," She told her team. "Not until you do what we came here to do, no"
Chloe groaned diving her face between pillows.


Fantasia was in an important meeting with big names in the department.
Her phone vibrated, it was an email. She checked it cause she was already bored in the damn meeting.

It was an email from The Electoral College.
Fantasia was tipped off about the new application for the Presidency. She took her time and made her application look good then sent it, months ago.

Now she just got an email accepting her as a candidate.

She got the usual  "Congratulations, your application for the presidency run has been accepted, these are the steps you need to take before you start your campaign..."

Fantasia gasped loudly. Everybody turned to her.
"Carry on, excuse me I need to go to my office and scream," She said and fled the boardroom. She got to her office and opened the window then screamed out the window.

Paula came into the office running. "Chief are you okay?"
Fantasia nodded. "close the door!"
Paula closed the door. "what is going on Boss?"

"between you and me..."
"you know I can keep all your secrets, I'm your Campaign publicist."
"Well, buckle up Publicist cause we are starting a new campaign!"

"Really? I heard the district General spot is opening up, you in? Cause that's exciting and you are fit for it"
Paula said. "Screw DG, I'm Running for President!"

Paula laughed. "Yeah boss that's the plan"
"yes and we living in that plan"
"I'm running for President Paula! I'm nominated"

"nominated for what boss, president of the department? Cause that's who you are, we call you chief of chiefs" Paula said. "Girl, you are looking at the new candidate for the presidency, the president of the United States of the Freaking America, me!"

Paula gasped. "you not shitting me?"
"Would I shit about our future?"
"no. ..so yay!" Paula screamed, pacing. "oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" she said jumping up and down.
"you can't tell anybody yet but I need you to not sleep, from today we are working on ideas for the campaign. Our niche is Protecting the people, especially the overlooked. Cause I was falsely accused and almost thrown into jail for a crime I didn't commit. So we are targeting the justice system and crap like that, feel free to call my ex-wife for advice, she will bring sturdiness to the whole thing."

"I will definitely do. How does she feel about this? Wait how do your kids feel?"

"I haven't told them yet, I just got the email, and there are still a lot of steps to take before the campaign starts," Fantasia said. "Of course, here when you need a hand. We are gonna nail this thing. We gonna win America over, my sleeping days are over, until we make you Madam President"

"Good, 'cause I don't want a slumbering team, you are hired. Now go hire the new team, I need a tough team, competent, qualified, experienced, capable, strong, miracle workers. People like me, and oh, we need Lana, so you need to talk to my Ex-wife" Fantasia said

"I got this boss, I won't disappoint. I know how huge this campaign is. Chief, congratulations. I am so proud of you, I'm so proud to be on your team because I know you are gonna win" Paula said. "Thank you. Get to work. Zip it for now"

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