Girl crush

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Following Morning.

Fantasia left home early. The kids were having breakfast with Ken. He kept looking at Jack. He made the poor boy uncomfortable. Jack ended up not eating. He left to see his momma in the ER.

He found Fantasia, and two other detectives with Brooks, trying to solve his mother's Case. "Jack do you recognize these two men" Brooks revealed two sketches. he looked at his mother. She nodded, assuring him that he was safe "Yes, I recognize this one," He said pointing to one sketch.

"I think this man is who tried to kill you and framed Jack" Fantasia made known to Taraji. Although they were just speculating at this point. 
"I think you should leave detective work to me Chief," Brooks suggested
"it's true" Jack spoke up.

Fantasia and Brooks looked at each other. "are you sure honey?"
"I am sure, he told me he would kill you. At that point, I thought it was something people say, but he tried killing you" Jack said. "Mom I am so sorry, you deserve better than this. I let you down" Jack said.

"you're right. You did. I do everything for you, this is how you thank me? I raise you on my own meanwhile the people who should be involved have abandoned us to be with their families and not once have I ever given up on you and this is how you thank me!" Taraji lashed out. Fantasia swallowed hard. "ma, I said I was sorry"
."sorry?" Taraji yelled. "okay enough. Jack honey go get me coffee, everybody out" Fantasia dismissed them

"that's not true. Nor is it fair to me or Jack. You asked me to not raise him like my own. You begged me to let you have him alone. You said it was good for both of us and him. Now I get compared to that muthafucking sperm donor? Seriously? That's not fair"
"I don't see you leaving Halle's side. Or Josh"s. But you left my Jack. Not once have you tried showing up even as Mrs Taylor, Halle's mom. You don't"

"Okay, what do you call me hiring you for? Or most recently, me bailing him out of jail. Trying to save your life. Did I do that just because? Or did I  just show up?"

"speak. You seem to have something to say. Tell me I'm an unfit mother. A horrible mother to a child you never wanted me to raise as mine. Tell me. Come on. Tell me you hate me for giving you this son and disappearing out of his life." Frustrations, lashing out.

Jack brought the coffee
Fantasia felt like throwing it in Taraji's face. She was being an impossible unbelievable jerk.

Taraji saw bruises on Jack's face. "did you get into a fight?" Taraji asked horrified. Jack looked at Fantasia

Taraji looked at them both. "somebody say something" Taraji demanded. "it was nothing. Mr Taylor and I had a misunderstanding. We good now" Jack said. "did your deadbeat husband touch my son? And you let him?"
Fantasia inhaled.
"she wasn't there. But she stopped it immediately. She was on my side. She protected me, which is why I feel safe in her house. It ain't her fault Mom" Jack explained.

"you too need to talk. By talk, I don't mean howler at each other. I mean talk this out. Whatever it is. For me" Jack said pointing at a chair. Fantasia sat on it.

"please talk. Come to an understanding of some sort. If you do that I will go apologize to Halle and I will be a good boy. I will be exactly what you raised me to be. A good man, a responsible young man" Jack said and backed out of the room.

"I wanted to be his mom. You assumed I didn't want to and cut me out. You begged me not to be millions of times. You made me sign the stupid contract. I did and all these years I was honoring my promise. My contact. The agreement. Why am I suddenly a bad guy here? Why am I the bad guy?" Fantasia asked.
"I never said you were"
"but you implied. You circled around it. You simply indicated. You compared me to John. Last year I bought him a car for his birthday, what did you say? It would raise questions and make you look bad. I gave it to Halle. I set up a trust fund for him. You told me I should keep it for Josh now I'm a horrible parent? Please lady give me a break" Fantasia said and stood up. she paced.

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