Finding Us Again.

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A week later. 

Fantasia was officially home with her family.  Sharing a bed with her wife but it wasn't like a Couple kind of sharing cause Taraji was not touching her,  kissing her, or saying "I love you" to her.
She was really taking everything slow with her. meanwhile, Fantasia was dying to be touched by her wife,  she was missing the kisses and hearing the words coming from her mouth, but she could only dream at this moment. 

It was Friday Morning. Taraji didn't go to work, the babies didn't go to school. Fantasia called it a day early.  She came home by 11 because she was planning to spend the day with her twins.

Only to find a lot of luggage downstairs. Taraji was watching cartoons with her kids and the new nanny. 

Fantasia was shocked by the luggage that was there, she looked at everybody and cleared her throat.  They turned to look at her. Taraji turned down the TV volume.  "Are you going somewhere with the kids?" Fantasia asked.
Taraji nodded.  "oh!" Fantasia looked sad cause she didn't tell her about this. 

"so uh,  where are you going?"
Taraji checked the time on her wristwatch. "right on time my love. " she said then picked up her phone.  She looked at her nanny and nodded.  She stood up and took the kids upstairs to change.

Taraji was on a call. 
Taraji:  she's home. We will be at the airport in 20. No, if I let my wife change that will be another hour, we don't have time. Let's meet there okay? Make sure your brother is ready. Thank you, baby girl. 

Taraji hung up and made another call while walking towards her confused wife. 
"ready? Was that Halle?"
On call
Taraji:  Yes Gina,  no we are ready.  Go get her please,  I told Halle we would be there in 20. I'm changing our tickets to leave at 1. Let me work on that. 

She hung up.  "hey baby,  how was work? Mind if you change your pants into casual jeans and your blouse into a tank top or something... We are going to Jamaica and have a little time."

"I'm invited?" Fantasia looked shocked.  "of course,  why would I go to the nicest beach in the world without the most beautiful woman in the world? Go change please"

"do I have to pack?"

"I packed all your bathing suits and two outfits. You won't need anything else"
Fantasia nodded and smiled.  She went to change and it didn't take 5 minutes. 

Taraji was shocked. "So you meant to tell me you could change that fast all your life and you didn't tell me?"
Fantasia chuckled.  "because you told me what to wear,  I'm a fast changer,  my struggle is figuring out what to wear.  And I look good in this,  maybe all I need is help from my wife"

"I will dress you for you to hurry from now on," Taraji said.

30 minutes later they were at the airport waiting as Taraji and Gina were trying to change their departure time. It wasn't working.

"so if we don't leave at 1, what is our original time to leave?" Fantasia asked Lisa and Gabi.  "I think 3," Gabi said.  "5 pm. Taraji didn't know what time you would be off work." Lisa corrected. 
"Man, that's late. I better do something" Fantasia stood up and walked to the desk. She secretly took the tickets from her wife. "let me handle this" She whispered to them and squeezed herself in between. 
"of course!" Gina remembered that her sister was the freaking Senator. 

"Hi Pal,  uh,  Sath.  My name is Fantasia,  this is my family. We haven't had a breathing time in a very long time. Could you please help us out?  We just need to leave at 1. Please,  surely there is something you can do" Fantasia said casually. 

"ma'am like I told the others, the plane is full. You gonna have to wait for 5 pm, your official departure time,  that's it" He said. Taraji felt bad and walked away. 
"Hey Pal, listen to me,  look at me!" Fantasia demanded.  The guy lifted her eyes. His jaw dropped.  "You are Senator Barrino...  Hi ma'am,  how can I help you?"
"I already told you how, are you gonna help me or not??"

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