Chapter 18

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Yellow Fever

I got out of the Impala, staring up at the abandoned mill. We passed the large sign reading, Cassity & Sons Lumber Mill. The place was old and slightly creepy. 

"I'm not going in there." Dean stated.

"I need backup, and you're all I've got." Sam told him, moving to the trunk. "You're going in, Dean."

"And I'm just chopped liver, apparently." I said. 

Dean grabbed a bottle of liquor from the car, chugging nearly half. He shook his shoulders as he shut the door and slipped the bottle into his jacket. "Let's do this." He moved to the trunk, unlocking and opening it. "It is a little spooky, isn't it?"

"What's spooky is you saying this is spooky when you're the man who once told me that if it looked scary we should go towards it." I told him, grabbing my gun from the trunk.

Sam held Dean's out to him.

"Oh, I'm not carrying that." Dean shook his head. "It could go off." He shrugged, earning a look from Sam and I. He grabbed a light from the trunk. "I'll man the flashlight."

"You do that." Sam said.

Dean nodded his head, looking rather content with himself.


"I have never been more turned off right now." I told Dean as he stood behind me, gripping the sleeve of my jacket as we walked through the dark mill. A humming sound made Sam pull the EMF detector from his jacket. 

It hummed as Sam looked down at his, noticing Dean's hand that rested lightly on his wrist. 

Dean pulled his hand back. "EMF's not gonna work with me around, is it?"

Sam scoffed. "You don't say." He shoved it back into his jacket. "Come on." 

We walked no more than a foot forward before Sam told us to stop.

At the sudden motion of Sam holding out his arm, Dean gasped, jumping back.

Sam knelt down, finding a wedding band on the floor. "To Frank, Love Jessie." He read the engraving on it. "Frank O'Brian's ring."

"What the hell was Frank doing here?" Dean asked.

"No idea." 

"Well, let's find out, I guess." I sighed. 

We continued through the old building, down dark halls until a noise made us stop. We followed it into the next room where metal lockers were lined against the walls. 

The noise was coming from inside one of the lockers. 

Dean looked between Sam and I, eyes fearful. He held the beam of light at the door. 

Sam reached for the handle as I held up my gun. On three, Sam mouthed. One, two, three. 

He pulled the door open and a cat meowed, jumping from the shelf.

Dean screamed as the cat ran by. He stopped, panting as he leaned over, hands on his knees. "That was scary." He huffed as he straightened up. 

Sam stared at him for a moment before just walking off.

"It was scary, right?" He asked me.

"Uh..." I began. "Yeah, baby, it was terrifying." I patted his shoulder as I walked by.

"What?" He whimpered quietly as he followed. 

We walked into another room where desk were pushed against the wall and papers were scattered about the floor. 

Guided  {Dean Winchester 4}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang