Chapter 6

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Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester

"Bobby?" Dean whisper/yelled as we walked into his house. Shotguns in hand, we moved through the house. Dean snapped, bringing my attention to the iron pole that lay by the stairs. "I'll go. You check outside." His whispered, gesturing upstairs.

"Hey, Dean-O?" I said.


"Be careful."

"You too."

And with that, I headed outside. Sam and I spilt up to search the entire area. I was walked between rows of junk cars, yelling out for Bobby.

"Saige." A familiar voice said from behind me.

I spun around to see Jake.

He looked paler than normal, blood staining the front of his shirt and down his neck where it was sliced. Where a demon had slit his throat. Because of me.

"Ja--Jake?" I asked, taking a step back.

"Hey, sister dearest. Miss me?" He began moving closer. "Take a good long look at me. This is your fault. I had to watch Marie and Lila die before I was killed. You got our dad killed. All because what? You're special?"

"I-I didn't... It wasn't--" I stuttered.

"No, it has nothing to do with you and your 'powers.'" Jake continued. "We had to die because you were too far up Dean Winchester's ass to realize he's the reason for all the bad shit you've been through. You killed us because you couldn't move on from some puppy crush you've been carrying around."

My eyes stung. "I'm so sorry. I didn't--"

Jake grabbed my throat. "Don't tell me you're sorry. Because you don't really care. As long as you're precious Winchester is alive, it doesn't matter, does it?"

"Its...not like....that." I  choked out, clawing at his hand where a brand now was. He never had that before. It was a circle with what looked like four small triangles in it."I didn't know."

"Saige, you're whole life, you've done nothing but get people killed or made them run off. Mom, Dad, countless friends, me, my daughter. Whoever didn't die after being around you, ran from you." Jake hissed. "You've never been anything more than a clingy, needy parasite."

The air was knocked from my lungs as he slammed me onto the ground. I reached out to the side, fingers brushing the gun.



"That's why I'm gonna rip your heart out of your chest." Jake tightened his grip on my throat.

I grabbed the gun, pulling the trigger. Jake disappeared in a puff of smoke and salt.

"You can't put yourself in these situations." Castiel appeared at my side.

Tears filled my eyes as I sat up, gasping for air. "Am I okay?"

Castiel placed a hand on my stomach. "Nothing is worse than normal."

"I'll be fine?"


"Thank you."


"So they're all people we know?" Sam asked as we all stood in Bobby's living room. He had found Bobby and saved him.

"Not just know." Dean replied, loading bullets into a gun as he sat on the couch next to Eve. "People we couldn't save. I saw something on Meg. Did she have a tattoo when she was alive?"

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