Chapter 46

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Death Takes A Holiday

I shut the curtains as Dean carried a now lit candle across the room to place on the nightstand.

"Tell me something, geniuses." Pam began. "Even if you do break into the veil and you find the reaper, how are you gonna save it?"

"With style and class." Dean replied.

"Well, some of us will have style and class, others...are not so classy." I added, looking between the two brothers.

"I have copious amounts of class, thank you very much." Dean replied. 

"You're gonna be three walking pieces of fog. You can't touch or move anything." Pam stated. "You'll be defenseless, hotshot."

"I seem to recall a bunch of ghosts beating the crap out of us." Sam spoke up.

"Yeah, well, they had plenty of time to practice." 

"Well, then I guess we gotta start cramming." Dean shrugged. 

"Wow. Couple of heroes." Pam mused. She sat forward, patting the bed. "Lie down. Close your eyes."

I sighed, dropping down onto the bed and shutting my eyes as I lay down. The bed shifted next to me. Fingers wrapped around mine as Dean joined me.

Pam began chanting in Latin. I didn't feel anything happening.

"Okay, guys. That's it." Pam said. "Show time."

I opened my eyes, sitting up. Everything was the same.

"Well, nothing like shooting blanks." Dean said as he sat up as well. "What's plan B?"

Pam didn't answer. She just sat in the chair at the foot of our beds. 

Millie and Evie sat on the couch, watching a movie as Wyatt napped just like moments ago. Sam still lie still on his bed.

A whooshing noise made Dean and I look over. Sam stood behind us.

I glanced over my shoulder to see my own body.

"Oh, I'm so feeling up Demi Moore." Dean said.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Alright, so I'm assuming you're somewhere over the rainbow." Pam spoke up. "Remember I have to bring you back. I'll whisper the incantation in your ear." She stood, moving to Sam's body and leaning over to whisper something I couldn't hear.

Sam chuckled.

"What'd she--What'd she say?" Dean asked.


While we were walking down the street, a jogger ran straight through Sam as if he wasn't there.

Dean laughed. "That was wild." He reached out, sticking his hand through Sam's chest. Sam gave him a look. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Dean asked. 

"Get out of me." Sam told him.

"You're such a prude." 

I laughed a little as Dean turned to me, reaching out to place a hand on my waist but it went straight through my being. "It's not gonna work." I told him as he placed his hand through my chest. "Would you stop that?"

"What? You've never complained about me being inside of you before. 

"If we weren't ghosts right now, I would so murder you." I sighed as Sam gave us both a 'stop it' look. I tried to swat at his arm, but my hand went through his bicep.

I turned, walking off down the street.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that." Dean said playfully, following me. "I thought I fu--" 

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