Chapter 28

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

With Dean's hand on my waist, I walked up the stairs to the attic of the church.  Reaching into my jacket, I pulled out my knife as we made our way up into the large, open room filled with random pieces of furniture and a statue of a woman with her hands folded in prayer. 

A shiver ran up my spine as Dean moved his hand away from my back to grab the knife of Ruby's. Nyx appeared at my side, looming directly behind me. 

"Dean. Saige." Sam whispered, nodding to the stained-glass image across the room where I could see an outline of a person behind it. Sam put his gun away as Dean tucked the knife in his belt. "Anna?"

Unease crept through my veins, prompting me to keep the black knife gripping in my hand. The Sorceress' warning echoed through my head. Don't trust either of them. I'm assuming she meant Ruby and Anna. 

"We're not gonna hurt you." Sam continued. "We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean and his--"

"Sam? Not Sam Winchester?" Anna cut him off, still hiding behind the glass. 

We all shared a look.

"Uh, yeah." Sam replied. 

The red-headed girl stepped out into the middle of the room, standing in front of the large white and purple tinted glass window. "And you're Dean? The Dean?"

"Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess." Dean shrugged his shoulders, looking rather proud. 

I rolled my eyes, an unsettling feeling washing over me. 

"It's really you." Anna said in awe, moving closer. "Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in hell, but Castiel pulled you out and some of them think you can help save us."

"Glad to know I'm getting the appreciation I deserve for, you know, finding him in hell." I muttered. 

Anna's eyes darted to me, going wide as she looked over me. "You're--"

"Yep, the new and improved darkness and chaos incarnate." I filled in. 

"The angels are weary about you, but you're winning them over." Anna looked over at Sam. "And some of them don't like you at all."

"Ooh, tough break, Sammy." I patted his arm. 

"They talk about you all the time lately." Anna continued. "I feel like I know you."

"So you talk to angels?" Dean asked. "Like Si does or is it different?"

"Oh, no, no, no way." Anna shook her head. "They probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of overhear them." 

"You overhear them?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, they talk and sometimes I just...hear them in my head."

"Like...right now?" Dean asked.

"Not right this second. But a lot." Anna explained. "And I can't shut them out. There are so many of them."

Like I used to. 

When I was little, the voices were so loud and until recently I didn't know that it was angels and demons yelling in my head. I'd learned to block it all out. Maybe in some way Anna was like me. Though she understood what the angels were saying. I never got that far. 

 "So they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just tuning into angel radio?" Dean asked. 

"Yes. Thank you." Anna sighed.

"Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?" Sam asked. 

"I can tell you exactly. September 18th." 

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