Chapter 56

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The Monster At The End Of This Book

Dean blinked, eyes fluttering open.

"Oh, thank god." The woman next to me said.

"Stars." Dean muttered.

"Stars?" I asked. "Babe, it's the middle of the day."

"Stars." Dean repeated.

"I'm so sorry. I just didn't see you. Are you okay?" The blonde woman who had hit him said. I glanced over. She had large star earrings in.

Dean groaned, sitting up. I set a hand on his back. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"And sorry know. My daughter's going through a doctor phase." The woman explained, nodding to her five year old.

"Otay?" Evie asked, patting Dean's arm.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked, still unaware of the pink flower Band-Aids on the side of his face.

"You're all better now." The woman's daughter said.

Dean looked over, drawing my attention to the car. The rear window was busted out.

"Oh no." Dean muttered, pushing himself to his feet.

I took Evie's hand as I followed him across the parking lot.

Dean glanced in the back window, spotting the band-aids on his face.


There was a tarp placed over the back window that had been busted out. Chuck was right.

"Well, I mean, he was kind of wrong. The tarp is white, so it's more of lie wings of a...dove. Crows are a black." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Dean gave me a look. "Really?"

"Just trying to help."


"If it's any consolation, you look really hot at the moment...? Kinda of tired and grumpy, but still hot...?" I suggested as Dean sat in the armchair in Chuck's living room, just glaring at the doorway.

Evie sat next to me on the couch, flipping through one of her picture books. Wyatt placed his hand over mine as I held the bottle.

The front door opened and shut. Chuck walked in, paper bag in hand. "Dean. Saige."

"I take it you knew I'd be here." Dean said.

"You look terrible." Chuck said.

"That's because I just got hit by a minivan, Chuck." Dean stated.

"Oh." Chuck said, eyes downcast to the floor.

Dean leaned forward, an elbow on his knee. "That it?" He asked. "Every damn thing you write about me comes true, all you have to say is 'oh'?" 

"Please don't yell at me." Chuck said, setting his six pack of beer down.

"Why do I get the feeling there's something you're not telling us?" Dean stood.

"What wouldn't I be telling you?" Chuck asked as Dean drew closer.

"How you know what you know!" Dean snapped.

I sighed, shoving Wyatt's bottle back into the bag as I set him down. Evie wrapped an arm around him as I stood. "Hey, hey, hey. Let's breathe." I stepped between the two men, placing my hands on Dean's chest.

"I don't know how I know. I just do." Chuck insisted.

"That's not good enough." Dean gently pushed me out of his way before grabbing Chuck by the jacket and shoving him into the wall. "How the hell are you doing this?"

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