Chapter 35

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Family Remains

Dean slid his hand across the wall of the closet, trying to find where the girl had run off to.

"What are you doing?" Ted asked, pulling a kitchen knife from an unpacked box.

"She's human. She had to come from somewhere." Dean pointed out, finding the spot in the wall where it had been popped up just enough to slip into the walls. He knelt, ripping the fake wood wall away from the studs.

A horrible smell wafted from inside the walls.

"You smell that?" Ted asked.

"Everyday." Dean sighed, taking the knife he had. Dean handed me the flashlight as he slipped inside. I followed.

With his chest pressed against one wall and his back the other, Dean moved forward and I followed, holding the flashlight so we could both see ahead. 

Dean shook his head, swatting at a cobweb he ran through. 

Eventually, we found a hole in the floor. 

Dean stepped over, placing one foot on either side of the hole in the floor.

"You're not going down there." Ted said.

"No, I am." I nudged Dean over some.

"The hell you are." Dean looked down at me.

"Dean, do you really think you're fitting in that?" I asked. "You're too big."

Dean was quiet for a moment, biting back a smile. "You've never complained about that fact before."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, you vile human." I slapped his arm.

"You walked right into that one." Dean shrugged. 

"I so did not."

"You literally did."

"You're the one who decided that it was an innuendo." I shook my head. "Whatever. I'm not arguing with you about this. Give me the knife."

"No." Dean gently pushed me out of the way before lowering himself into the hole. "Please, nobody grab my leg. Please, nobody grab my leg." Holding himself up with one arm, he slipped the other under the floor. "Ow, ow, ow." He muttered when his shoulder got stuck.

"What? Oh, are you stuck?" I asked. "Hmm, it's not like someone warned you that you're--"

"Suck it, Saige. Suck it." Dean dropped down then, disappearing under the floor. 

"Do you even know how to not be a vile human?" I asked, easily dropping down into the floor.

 "Oh, be quiet."

Still half crouched because of the low ceiling, Dean turned only to gasp when a dead ferret hung from the ceiling and he almost ran face first into it. He rested his head in his hand, sighing.

Bones were scattered about the dirt floor. Buster--the family pet--was ripped into pieces across the floor.

"Dog. It's what's for dinner." Dean muttered. "Danny?" 

"Find anything?" Ted asked.

"Yeah, her kitchen." Dean called out.

We continued through the foundation of the house. Bones and blood were scattered about.

"So please continue, tell me how I am simply too--" Dean began.

"No. Your ego does not need to be any bigger." I cut him off.

"Another thing about me that you find too large?" Dean glanced over his shoulder at me with a stupid smirk.

"More like the only thing." I quipped.

Guided  {Dean Winchester 4}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant