Chapter 42

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Sex And Violence

I sighed as I woke up, wrapping an arm around Dean's torso as I tried to drift back to sleep. I brought my hand up, brushing my fingers through his beard as my head rested against his shoulder.

Something brushed against my stomach. Evie was nestled between Dean and I as she slept. I forgot she'd crawled into bed with us after having a nightmare last night.

I opened my eyes.

The sound of Sam whispering in the bathroom faintly filled the air. Dean stirred as A loud vehicle drove by. Dean blinked, looking over at his brothers empty bed and the ajar bathroom door.

"Yeah. No, that's what I'm telling you." Sam's faint voice flavored through the room. Dean sat up. "No storms, no bad crops, nothing. Yeah. Yeah, okay." Sam paced by the bathroom door, his back to us. "We'll keep looking. You keep looking too. Talk soon."

Suddenly, Dean laid back down, shutting his eyes as Sam hung up the phone.

"Jeez, dude." I mumbled, wrapping my arm around his.

Sam walked back into the room, sitting down on the edge of his bed and hitting Deans knee. "Hey. Up and at 'em, kiddo."

Dean groaned. "You're up early. Like Saige tome early. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was in the can."

"Great, now that we've established where we've all been, let's go back to sleep." I tugged at Dean's arm as he sat up.

"Yeah?" Dean asked Sam.

"Yeah. You want a picture?" Sam replied.

"Gross. Get out. Goodbye." I said.

"Yeah, I'll pass." Dean added, rubbing his eyes.

"Found a job. Bedford, Iowa." Sam told us.

"No. Lets just stay in this bed forever." I complained.

Sam handed Dean the newspaper. "Guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer."

"Yikes." Dean muttered.

"And get this, third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of them, all happily married."

"Well, Dean-O's got a criminal record so I'm safe, I think." I sighed.

"Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet." Dean remarked.

Sam scoffed. "More like the Shining."

"Would you people be quiet. I'm trying to sleep." Millie complained from across the room.

"Alright, well, I guess we better have a look." Dean tossed the newspaper to the bottom of the bed.


"Why does the P.D. keep sending you guys? I don't want a lawyer." Mr. Benson told us. 

"They're lining up the firing squad." Dean stated.

"I'm pleading guilty."

"Alright, look, you don't want us to represent you, fine. In fact, it's probably not a bad idea between you and me." Dean laughed a little.

Sam cleared his throat.

"We just wanna understand what happened, that's all." Dean continued.

"Mr. Benson?" Sam pressed. "Please."

"What happened was...I killed my wife, and you wanna know why?" Mr. Benson asked. "Because she made plans without asking me."

Well, hopefully that's not a common occurrence with these murders. I make plans without asking Dean all the time.

Guided  {Dean Winchester 4}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant