Chapter 22

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It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester

Walking down the basement stairs, we heard Don chanting. He moved toward Tracy, knife in hand.

Before Don could stab Tracy, we shot him. His body fell to the floor. Dean cut the ropes that held Tracy up.

"Thank you. He was gonna kill me." Tracy breathes. "That sick son of a bitch. I mean, did you see what he was doing? Did you hear him? How sloppy his incantation was? My brother always was a little dim."

Before we could shoot her, she yelled out a spell, sending us across the room and to the floor.

"He was gonna make me the final sacrifice." Tracy said. Pain clutched my chest, making it hard to breathe. "His idea. But now that honor goes to him. Our masters return? The spellwork's a two man job, you understand? So for 600 years, I had to deal with that pompous son of a bitch. Planning, preparing. Unbearable."

Tracy knelt by the body, filling a goblet with the blood pouring form his chest. "The whole time, I wanted to rip his face off. Then you get him with the gun. I love that." She stood, crossing the room. "You know, back in the day, this was the one night you kept your children inside. Tonight, you'll all see what Halloween really is."

She began chanting in Latin, her back facing us.

Sam moved forward, groaning in pain. He dipped his hand in the puddle of blood then wiped it on his face.

"What...are you doing?" Dean choked out.

"Just follow my lead." Sam said, wiping blood on Dean's face too.

"Sam, don't you--" I began, but it was too late. He was already smearing blood across my forehead and down the side of my face.

The floor cracked open when Tracy finished her spell and black smoke shot into the air. It swirled down into Don. He blinked, pushing himself up to stand. He moved toward Tracy, placing a short kiss to her lips.

"My love." She said.

"You've aged." Samhain stated.

"This face. I can't fool you."

"Your beauty is beyond time." He snapped her neck, letting her body crumple to the ground. "Whore."

All of the pain stopped, but I didn't move an inch. Dean's fingers wrapped around mine, gripping them tight as Samhain walked right by us.

Once he was gone, Dean rolled onto his side. "What the hell was that?"

"Halloween lore." Sam said. "People used to wear masks to hide from him. So I gave it a shot."

"You gave it a shot?" Dean repeated.

"Can I be honest? Next time, have a plan you know will work for sure. No shot." I said.


"Where are we gonna find this mook?" Dean asked as we crossed the street.

"Where would you go to raise all the dark forces of the night?" Sam asked.

"Never really gave it much thought." I answered, wiping the last of the blood from my face.

"The cemetery." Dean said as we reached the car.


"So this demon's pretty powerful." Sam stated.

"Yeah." Dean agreed.

Sam sighed. "Might take more than the usual weapons."

Dean glanced over at his brother before looking back at the road. "Sam, no. You're not using your psychic whatever."

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