Chapter 51

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It's A Terrible Life

I slipped on my shoes, heading for the door of my apartment and dashing to the elevator. Call it luck or the opposite, but I ran into Dean Smith in said elevator. The tension between us, coursing through the silence as the doors slid shut, was palpable. 

Dressed in a suit and a red tie, he looked just as good as he normally did. Clean shaven, dressed to the nines, as professional as ever. He was practically second-in-command at the company where I worked. There was only one person above him in the cooperate ladder, so to speak. 

He was my boss, for crying out loud. He was the director of sales and marketing. I was in HR. Yet that didn't seem to stop either of us when we began our illicit relationship. It was more of a 'hey, let's hook up' type of thing though I knew a part of me was falling for him. 

Okay, Saige, shut up. 

"Good morning." I said, repressing the urge to roll my eyes at myself.

"Morning." Dean replied.

Somewhere after that and the daily 'what are you doing tonight', I ended up pressed against the wall of the elevator with his lips on mine. A soft moan fell past my lips as he pressed closer, hands sliding up my sides and around my back. 

I gripped his shoulders, tilting my head back as his lips moved over my jaw and down my neck. 

A ding made us pull away from each other as the doors slowly slid open. I cleared my throat, fixing my hair as he straightened his tie.

"Do you need a ride? To work?" Dean asked as we headed for the front door.

"I'll be fine. Thank you." I smiled.

The day continued to pass as if normally did. Work was as usual. Dean and I hardly ever ran into one another work. I think it was mainly because I avoided him at all costs besides our occasional meetings in the supply closet on the third floor. 

I was in the break room at lunch time, making another cup of coffee when I was requested to go to Mr. Smith's office.

All I could think was I am so fired.

I mean, how can a person work in HR and then turn around and sleep with her boss? 

So I headed up to his office. 

I knocked lightly on the door. "Mr. Smith? You wanted to see me?"

Dean looked up, nodding his head. "Yeah, come on in. Close the blinds, would you?"

I shut the door behind me before closing the blinds that showed into the hall. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes. I was just wondering if you wanna to have lunch with me." Dean shrugged his shoulders, leaning back in his chair behind his desk. 

  "Lunch?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Sit." Dean gestured to the chair across from him.

"So I'm not fired?" I asked, moving to sit down.

"Why would you be fired?" Dean asked.

"Well, I'm sleeping with the boss." I shrugged. "Seems like a thing a person could get fired over."

Dean chuckled. "Our secret's safe with me." 

After spending lunch with Dean, it was time to head back to work. It was nice. He was sweet and funny. I couldn't fight the smile that made its way onto my face the rest of the day. 

I was walking down the hall later that day when Dean brushed past me, his arm bumping into my shoulder as he slipped something into my hand. I glanced over my shoulder as he walked off.

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