Chapter 13

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We found Jack in his backyard, watering flowers. Dean's hand found my waist as it always did as we crossed the yard. 

"Jack Montgomery?" Sam asked. The dark-haired man turned. "I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother, Dean. His wife, Saige. We need to talk."

Jack looked between us. "About?" 

"About you. About how you're changing." Sam explained as if those weren't the creepiest sentences to say to a man you don't know. 

"Excuse me?" Jack asked. 

"You're probably feeling your bones move under your skin." Dean said. 

And we made our way around to downright disturbing. Give the man an award. 

"And your appetite's reaching, you know, Hungry, Hungry Hippo levels." Dean continued. "How am I doing so far?"

"Who the hell are you guys?" Jack asked.

"Very creepy." I spoke up.

"We're people who know a little something about something." Dean added.

"We're also bad at sentences apparently." 

"We're people who can help." Sam said. "Please just hear us out."


Jack rubbed his head. "A what?"

"A Rougarou." Dean answered. "Sound made up, I know, but believe me, it's not." 

"Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things." Jack admitted. "But I just...I don't know. I'm sick or something." 

"Your father was one of these things." Sam told him. "Your real father. He passed it on to you." 

"No. Are you guys listening to yourselves? You sound like--"

"Let's skip the whole 'you guys sound crazy', shall we?" Dean cut him off. "You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier."

"Hungry for...?"

"Long pig." Dean stated. "A little Manbuger Helper may have crossed your mind already."

"Dean, that's sick." I said, slapping his arm. 

"No." Jack shook his head.

"It doesn't have to be like this, Jack." Sam told him. "You can fight it off. Others have."


"We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy." Dean explained. "You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming in whiskey. But I'm telling you, you gotta say no. Or--?"

"Or what?" Jack asked.

"You feed once, and it's all over." Sam told him. "And then we'll have to stop you."

"Stop me?" Jack repeated. "My dad, did somebody stop him?"

"Well..."  I trail off. "Yeah. Yeah, somebody did."

"Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops." Jack said. 

"Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger." Sam stated. 


A neighbor glanced over, catching our eye. 

"Good talk." Dean whispered as we walked back toward the gate. 


"Just keep an eye on Sam. Make sure he doesn't scurry off somewhere." I told Millie as we stood by the motel room door.

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