Chapter 31

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Heaven And Hell

After Dean got back from dropping Pamela off and Sam dug through article after article, he found something. Apparently, a meteor was sighted over Ohio and Kentucky the year Anna was born.

"Union, Kentucky." Sam pointed to the map. 'Found some accounts of a local miracle. In '85, there was an empty field outside of town. Six months later, there was a full grown oak. They say it looks a century old, at least."

"Anna, what do you think?" Dean asked.

"The grace, where it hit, it could have done something like that easy." Anna nodded her head. 

"So grace ground zero. It's not destruction." Dean realized. "It's..."

"Pure creation." Anna filled in as we all stood around a table. 


I sat very uncomfortably between Anna and Ruby in the backseat of the Impala. Millie stayed back at Bobby's with the kids while we went grace hunting even though something was telling me this was not a good idea.

Dean chuckled all of a sudden.

"What are you laughing about, you jerk?" I asked. He let Sam have the front seat. I am very mad.

"Nothing. It's just an angel and a demon, riding in the backseat. It's like a setup to a bad joke." Dean said. "Or a Penthouse forum letter."

I rolled my eyes. 

"Dude, reality. Porn." Sam said.

"Says that guy who slept with a dead chick." I said. "Millie said if I got the opportunity I had to bring it up since she's not here to do it."

Sam sighed. "That sounds like her."

"You call this reality?" Dean asked. "These conversations?"


By the next morning, we made it to the field where the grace was supposed to be.

"It's beautiful." Dean said, his hand on my waist as we walked toward the large oak tree as sunlight leaked through the branches.

"It's where the grace touched down. I can feel it." Anna stated. 

"You ready to do this?" Dean asked.

"Not really." Anna replied as she continued toward the tree.

"Anna, what are we even looking for?" Sam asked.

Anna placed her hand against the tree. "Doesn't matter. It's not here. Not anymore. Someone took it." 

Oh no. Now she won't have really dangerous powers. 



"Look, we still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room." Dean said, pacing around the old barn we were hanging out in.

"What, forever?" Ruby asked.

"I'm just thinking out loud."

"Oh, you call that thinking?"

"Hey." I said. "I will slice your throat."

"Stop it, all of you." Sam said. 

"Anna's grace is gone, you understand?" Ruby asked. "She can't angel up and protect us. We can't fight heaven and hell. One side, maybe. But not both. Not at once."

"I think we could." I shrugged. 

"Um, guys, the angels are talking again." Anna spoke up.

"What are they saying?" Sam asked.

Guided  {Dean Winchester 4}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora