Chapter 43

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Sex And Violence

"Glaring at it won't do anything." I told Dean as we sat at the small table in our motel room surrounded by books. Sam's phone sat unattended there too.

Dean reached out, grabbing it. He went to recent calls. There was Dean's name and Bobby's. Then a number with no name above it. He hit call. It rang.

Dean raised it to his ear, eyes going wide.

"What?" I asked quietly.

Jaw clenching, he hung up. "It was Ruby."

The door opened. "Penny Bristol was definitely another vic." Sam stated, referring to the man who killed his mother last night.

"You get in to see him?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Brought home a stripper named Belle." Sam explained.

"Why must strippers ruin the childhood Disney films?" Millie asked.

"Anyway, couple hours later, he offed his mother. Belle, of course, went MIA."

"Wait, he killed his mom?" Dean asked.

"The woman he was closest to."

"So what we're learning is no woman is safe." I sighed.

Sam's phone rang.

"Yeah, you, uh, left your phone." Dean picked it up, tossing it to him. He stood as Sam sat down at the table.

"Hey, Bobby." Sam said. "Uh, no. And it doesn't seem like she's slowing down. What about you? Got anything?"

When Wyatt cried out, Dean and I turned to each other as Evie moved toward her baby brother. "Two out of three?" I asked, placing my fist in my palm.

"You're on." Dean copied my movement.

"Oh, hold on, I'm gonna put you on speaker." Sam told Bobby.

Dean went with rock, I went with paper. Dean cursed under his breath.

"It says you need a bronze dagger covered in the blood of a sailor under the spell of the song." Bobby explained as I won the second round of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

"I'll make the coffee." I smiled, moving to the counter as Dean picked Wyatt up.

"What the hell does that mean?' Dean asked, digging through a bag for a diaper.

"You got me." Bobby sighed. "We're dealing with 3000 years of the telephone game here."

"Maybe it means you need a bronze dagger covered in the blood of a dude that was love spelled into falling for a stripper...?" I suggested, pouring a cup of coffee. 

"Best guess?" Sam asked Bobby as if my suggestion wasn't enough.

"Well, the sirens spell ain't got nothing to do with any song." Bobby stated. "It's most likely some of kind toxin or venom. Something she gets in the vics blood."

"Makes them go all Manchurian Candidate." Sam stated. "Uh, what do you think, she infects the men during sex?"


"Supernatural STD." Dean nodded as he finished changing Wyatt and lifted him into his arms.

"Well, however it happens, once its done, the sirens gotta watch her back. She gets dose of her own medicine--" Bobby began.

"It kills her." Sam filled in.

"Fun." I said, handing Dean a cup of coffee as he sat back down at the table.

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