Chapter 61

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The Rapture

When we found Jimmy's house, there were demons inside. Dean sliced the one's throat. His body fell, making the little girl run for her mother.

Sam held his hand out, keeping the other demon locked in place. "Go. Get them out of here." 

I helped Jimmy to his feet. Dean and I ushered the family outside. 

When we made our way back inside, the demon was standing in front of Sam. "Can't get it up, can you, Sam?"

"No, but I can." Dean raised the knife, going to stab her but black smoke shot into the air before he could.

The body dropped to the floor.

When we went back outside, we found Jimmy and his daughter, Claire, huddled together by the car.

"Where's your wife?" Dean asked. 

"Right here." Mrs. Novak joined their side, blanket in hand. 


Mrs. Novak and Claire sat in the backseat of the Impala as we all stood at the trunk with Jimmy in the middle of a parking garage. 

"You were right." Jimmy admitted.

"I'm sorry we were." Dean replied.

"I'm telling you, I don't know anything." Jimmy insisted. 

"I don't think they're inclined to believe you."

"And even if they did, you're still a vessel." Sam stated. "They're gonna wanna know what makes you tick."

"Which means vivisection, if they're feeling generous." Dean added. 

"I'm really, really sorry about all of this." I told him. 

"I'm gonna tell you once again, you're putting your family in danger. You have to come with us." Sam said.

"How long?" Jimmy asked, glancing back at his family. "And don't give me the 'cross that bridge when we get to it' crap."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Don't you get it? Forever. The demons will never stop. You can never be with your family. So you either get as far away from them as possible or put a bullet in your head."

"Sam." I hissed.

"What? It's the truth. There's no point in sugar-coating it. It's how you keep your family safe." Sam continued. "But there's not getting out and there's no going home."

"Well, you sure don't have to worry about sugar-coating it." Dean remarked.

"Someone has to tell him the truth. You two aren't going to."


"Okay, so here's your car." Sam walked away from the car he hotwired moments ago.

"Take care of your mom, okay, bub?" Jimmy kissed Claire's head before stepping back.

Dean opened the car door for me, giving me a small smile as I slipped inside. He slid behind the drivers seat as Jimmy got in the backseat beside me. 


"What the hell happened back there?" Dean asked, eyes on the dark road ahead. 

Jimmy was sleeping beside me, trench coat draped over him.

"What?" Sam asked.

"You practically fainted trying to gank a demon." Dean stated. 

Sam rolled his eyes. "Okay, I didn't faint. I got a little dizzy."

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