Chapter 11

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Dean and I stood outside of the door, looking in at Sam who stood before a demon tied to a chair. Beside him stood the dark haired girl who was in his motel room when Dean first came back from hell. 

"Where's Lilith?" Sam asked. 

"Kiss my ass." The demon replied, eyes flashing black. 

"I'd watch myself if I were you."

"Why? Huh?" The demon asked. "Because you're Sam Winchester, Mr. Big Hero? And yet here you are slutting around with some demon. Real hero."

"Shut your mouth." Sam said. 

"Tell me about those months without your brother. About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark. Huh? Tell me, hero."

Sam held his hand out. The demon laughed at first, then began to couch, black smoke pooling from his lips. Then the smoke evaporated into the ground.

I took Dean's hand in mine, giving it a squeeze as I watched Sam check the man's pulse.

"How'd that feel?" The woman--Ruby, I'm guessing--asked. 

"Good." Sam answered. "No more headaches."

"None? That's good." 

Sam smiled, untying the man as he woke. "Hey, hey, I got you. It's alright." He stopped when his eyes landed on Dean and I as we stepped inside.

"So...anything you wanna tell me, Sam?" Dean asked as he drew closer. 

"Dean, hold on. Just let me ex--" Sam began.

"You gonna say, 'let me explain'?" Dean cut him off. "You gonna explain this? How about this, why don't you start with who she is and what the hell is she doing here?"

I placed my hand on Dean's arm. 

"Good to see you again, Dean." The woman said. I was right. It is Ruby.

"Ruby? Is that Ruby?" Dean looked back at his brother. He shook off my hand, smiling a little before grabbing her by the shirt and slammed her against the wall. He pulled the demon killing knife from his belt, raising it to stab her. 

"Don't!" Sam grabbed his arm, stopping the knife. He ripped the knife from Dean's hand as he was shoved against the wall. 

Ruby grabbed Dean by the neck, shoving him against the wall.

"I didn't want to kill anyone tonight." I sighed, stepping forward and pressing the blade to Ruby's throat. "But if you don't let him go, I will."

She didn't move a muscle.

"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Stop it." Sam pleaded. 

She stepped away from Dean. I tucked the pure black knife back into my belt.

"Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch." Dean remarked. 

"Ruby." Sam said, though she didn't pay attention. "Ruby. He's hurt. Go."

Ruby turned, helping the now dispossessed man to his feet and heading for the door. 

"Where the hell you think you're going?" Dean asked.

"The ER. Unless you wanna go another round first."

Reaching for the knife again, I stepped forward. I've been itching for an excuse to kill her. Now seems like a perfect one.

"Saige, stop." Sam said.

I didn't.

"Si. Leave it for now." Dean caught my arm, reeling me back.

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