Chapter 53

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It's A Terrible Life

"Once you've got that thing in your sights--" Harry began.

"You kill it!" Both he and Ed exclaimed. 

"Using special ghost hunting weapons." Harry continued.

"First, salt." Ed picked up a bottle of salt with the Ghostfacers logo on it. "It's like acid to ghosts."

"Burny acid." Harry added as they poured a salt into a circle on the table. 

"Not LSD." Ed shrugged.

"No. It's a bad trip for ghosts." Harry picked up a metal pole. "Next up, iron."

"Saige was right. That's why the wrench worked." Sam realized.

I smiled. "I knew ghosts weren't just scared of wrenches." 

"Pure power in your hand." Ed continued.

"Dissipates ghosts instantly." Harry added.

"Next little trick. We learnt this from those useless douchebags--" Ed began.

"That we hate." Harry filled in.

"The Winchesters." Ed continued.

"Except they did have hot lady friends." Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, but they're still douchebags." 

"Gun." Harry picked up a weapon.

"Shotgun shell." Ed grabbed a bullet. "Pack it up with fresh rock salt."

"Very effective." Harry cocked the gun.

"Very effective." 

"Winchesters still suck ass though." Harry stated.

"Affirmative." Ed agreed. "Suckage, major."

"Hmm, whoever these Winchesters are must be assholes." I said.


"Where do we even get a gun?" Dean asked, packing a couple of the iron fire poking things from his fireplace into the duffle bag filled with salt.

"A gun store?" I suggested. "I mean, duh."

"But isn't there like some kind of waiting period?" Dean asked.

"I think so." Sam said as he dropped a bottle of salt into the bag. 

"How in the hell are--?"

"I don't know." Sam scoffed. "Seems pretty impossible."

"We could steal some." I shrugged.

"What?" Dean asked.

"We'll return them. We're doing a public service, saving lives." I stated. "No one has to know."


"The aforementioned super annoying Winchester douche-nozzles and their super annoying, super hot lady friends also taught us this one other thing." Ed explained. 

"You have to burn the remains." Harry filled in, holding up a lighter and flicking it on. "Okay, this next part gets a little gross. Sometimes you might have to...dig up the body. Sorry."

"It's illegal in some states." Ed stated.

"I think it's illegal, like, everywhere." I said, pausing the video. "I can't be a criminal." 

"Shh." Dean hushed, clicking play.

"All states." Harry corrected his friend.

"Possibly all states." Ed agreed. 

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