Chapter 60: Shopping Spree (NSFW)

Start from the beginning

"That sounds doable." Yichen said.

"In that case I will begin work on the custom pieces." Haoran said.

"I appreciate the help. I'll come by again in a week for an update and to discuss further details or to answer any questions you might have regarding the request." Yichen said.

He was incredibly happy to start work on the furniture. Although he would have been even happier if he could have talked about the baby room.

Yichen didn't stop at only requesting furniture he also bought a wooden toy horse while at the carpenter's. Then he went to the clothing store and bought a baby blanket on impulse while looking at all the clothes and linen options.

The number of toys and items available for children and babies in the market kept catching Yichen's eye as he walked down the streets in town. While walking he bought a cloth tiger doll, some wooden tops, and a few other little trinkets.


Mochou got home and slipped into bed. He felt tired despite sleeping all night.

"Am I tired because of the pregnancy? But I wasn't tired yesterday. Maybe it's all in my head. There's no way symptoms appear just because I now know about the pregnancy, right?"

While he considered the possibility he fell asleep.


"Mochou, I'm home." Yichen said as he entered the little hut.

"Yichen?" Mochou muttered while rubbing his eyes.

"You were sleeping?" Yichen asked when he saw Mochou squirming under the quilts.

"I was. Why are you back so quick? I thought you said you would be gone until noon?" Mochou said.

"I'm not early, but late. Mochou it's already one in the afternoon. How long have you been asleep?"

"What? I've slept most of the day away!" Mochou said in disbelief.

"What do you mean? How long have been sleeping?" Yichen asked again.

"When I came back I felt a little tired so I lay down. I've been sleeping since then." Mochou answered still finding it hard to believe.

"You've been asleep since this morning? Are you not feeling well?" Yichen quickly walked over to Mochou and checked his forehead. Not noticing a fever he then checked Mochou's pulse.

"I feel fine just a little tired. Why am I still tired despite sleeping all day and night?"

"We can't see it but your body is working hard and changing while growing a baby. It's not strange for you to feel tired."

"I've been pregnant one day isn't this happening too quick?"

Yichen sat down next to Mochou and gave him a quick kiss.

"Now that the colouring has changed to purple the symptoms will begin; fatigue, nausea, food cravings, cramping, going to the bathroom more frequently, headaches, fever, or heartburn. You might not experience them all. It's different for everyone. Some symptoms I can give you medication for while others you'll have to endure. Whatever happens I will be here for you."

Yichen patiently explained the basic symptoms to Mochou as he rubbed his back. Mochou leaned into his embrace comfortably. His eyes growing heavy despite just waking up. Then from the corner of his eye he saw the baskets full of things Yichen brought back.

"Yichen, what did you buy?" Mochou asked his eyes no longer sleepy but instead sharp and accusing.

"I picked up a few things."

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