Fantasia looked for her phone, calling it, and ransacking Victoria's hospital bed.
"Maybe you left it at the hotel"
"I had it in this room. I swear...Damn It! Taraji took it. Sorry, Vic, I can't unplug your plugs today. But I will be back."

Fantasia left. Got on a plane too.

Taraji arrived an hour before her wife. The phone was off in her purse.
"Mom, where did you go? You promised to take us to the Grand Canyon this morning then you disappeared" Zoe said.
"I was here honey. I just had to go to the courthouse for a little bit. That's all. We will go to the Grand Canyon next week. I promise" She ran upstairs and changed into her tights and cropped top.
Sat on the couch like she never left the house.
Fantasia arrived. "hey baby... I thought the big debate was on Monday, what are you doing at home already?" Taraji played dumb kissing her wife. Fantasia kissed her back. "I, I bailed," Fantasia said. They looked into each other's eyes. Somehow they were both hot for each other.

Fantasia picked her up, pinning her against the door.
"what's happening?" Zoe asked. Fantasia let go of her wife, remembering there was a child in the room, Taraji lost balance and fell. Gasping, grunting. Looking up at her wife. Fantasia looked down at her something inside her said. "she deserves to be punished"
"Zoe check on your brother..."
"Glad to," She said leaving. Fantasia gave her wife a hand. She took it and stood up. They looked into each other's eyes again.
Taraji wanted her wife more than anything. She pulled her and took off her coat.
Fantasia let her.
"Isn't this the same clothes you left wearing?"
"Yeah, so?"
Taraji looked at her wife. "Nothing." Fantasia looked upset. "I lost my phone," she said. Taraji scratched her head. They knew they had busted each other.
"I'm sorry, want a new one?"
"I want my old one," Fantasia said looking in her wife's eyes.
They both swallowed hard . "something you need to confess?" Taraji asked. "Why? you already busted me," Fantasia said.
"Have I?"
Fantasia was walking to Penda's Purse. "uh, I'm kinda wet and hot for you, you just gonna leave!?" Taraji said distrusting her.
Fantasia looked at her.
"Can I fish into your purse?"
"Why? Hiding something, like maybe a plane ticket?".
Taraji didn't reply. Fantasia walked closer.
"why are we lying to each other for Vic?" Fantasia asked.
Taraji sat down...

"I'm sorry, I had to talk to her,"
"I had to talk to her too...but did we have to betray each other to do it Taraji? Couldn't we have gone there together as a couple?".

"that could have been a good idea. I'm sorry,"
"I'm sorry too!" Fantasia said. They looked at each other and that sex drive left the room with the lies. "I have to change". "yeah I have to start dinner"

They said giving each other backs
Fantasia pulled her phone from her wife's purse and went upstairs. That whole thing ruined both their day...
They wanted to say a lot to each other but couldn't. They couldn't talk.

"kids, Dinner!" Taraji yelled. Kids came sprinting into the room. "one of you go get mommy please" Taraji said. Zack ran upstairs and came back with Fantasia.
They sat down. Held hands to say grace. Taraji looked at their hands intertwined and then at her wife. Fantasia looked at her. They both bowed their heads. Zoe prayed.
They started eating. Zach and Zoe had crazy stories to share.
Taraji was not even listening or eating. She thought about the moment in the hospital. Fantasia took a few bites, and a few wine sips and Wiped her mouth. "hmm food is delicious mama, You full mummy?" Zoe asked Fantasia
"uh yeah, I wasn't that hungry," Fantasia said stealing looks from her wife. Taraji couldn't eat, her stomach rejects food when she's nervous or scared. She would puke if she tried eating.

The kids enjoyed their food. And cleaned up the table.
Fantasia was on her phone. Taraji didn't blink looking at her.

Taraji stood up and sat on the table, next to her wife, slowly taking a phone from her.
"Wanna do something with me?" Taraji asked.
"Depends, what is it?"
"Punching the punching bag... Cause if I don't. I might hit my wife tonight"
Fantasia swallowed hard and lifted her head...
"We just have to talk. I will start with why I went there. She wanted to tell me Sonia had a child with Kendall. Paula!"

Taraji looked confused. "Whoa!"
"I know. She was adopted. So, you went to tell her to find another guardian huh?".
"Yes, you heard us?"

"I was in the bathroom. Baby I'm sorry would you ever forgive me for lying to you?".
"I lied too... How it happened, I don't know. I just lost it. Can we do therapy again? Like a trust yoga therapy. I've seen it online, it builds trust. Ours need to be rebuilt. If we trusted each other, none of this would have happened." Taraji said. Fantasia nodded.
"book a doctor to come to us. Let's try it" Fantasia said. Taraji leaned in for a kiss. Fantasia kissed her softly. "By the way, she wants me to stop her treatment. She called me to pull the treatment plugs. And I won't lie, I still wanna do it. She makes me miserable!" she said. Taraji chuckled. "she's dying babe, she's asking you to stop her pain. You let her live, you let her suffer." Taraji said. "Ohhh!" Fantasia never thought about it. Taraji chuckled walking out... "hey wanna have sex?"

"What do you think I'm Doing my sexy, follow-me chuckle for?"

Fantasia smiled and followed her wife upstairs.

They started stripping and kissing. Taraji aggressively pushed her wife onto the wall, Fantasia gasped, breathing hard.
"That's for letting me fall"
"Oh, Wifey!" Fantasia said feeling turned on.
"what's Wifey waffles?" Taraji had to ask. Fantasia chuckled picking her up.
"It's my beautiful delicious wife, who is obsessed with waffles," Fantasia said and tore Taraji's tights in the middle with her teeth. Taraji gasped, Fantasia pushed her onto their bed and tore it completely off her body.
Taraji breathed heavily. "You are such a sex animal, Fantasia Barrino"

"Just give me your pussy already," Fantasia said and went head-deep between her legs, "huh!" Taraji breathed deeply. Fantasia found her clit.
"Shit, just like that, fuck!"

She's gonna need her dentist after that session🤣🤣

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