Sexual Frustrations

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"Lana is starting to piss me off!"
"I will handle it, Mom. I married her, you got enough on your plate, and an ex you can't seem to ex very well. What the fuck are you doing in one hotel?"

"boy mind your shit," Fantasia said walking away.

Later on, they arrived at Lana's. Taraji was making calls trying to find Ally, Lana's toxic cousin. She left going to meet her.
After a while, she came back...

She walked inside Lana's house. They were all cramped in the living room. Fantasia lifted her face,
"Anything?" Taraji asked everybody.
"no." they said

"I may be able to help...  I talked to Ally. She told me Royalty is taken by your ex-boyfriend and his boys." Taraji said.
"What? She's lying about him, Sabastian will never do that, he loves Royalty".
"You let my daughter around that dickhead muthafucker?" Jack asked cornering her. Fantasia and Taraji immediately looked at each other and rushed to him. "Jack, take a fucking walk right now," Taraji said. He looked at Lana. "if anything happens to my daughter. You better run and hide with that piece of shit, you call a man" Jack walked out, and Fantasia followed him out.

"What was that? You were gonna hit her?"

"no. Of course not, I don't hit my wife, and I don't hit women. She just-- she is really pissing me off acting stupid and putting my daughter in danger. She's supposed to be the smart one. But she's acting really dumb right now,"

"Calm down honey. Please. I know you are frustrated. But your mother and I are here to help. You don't have to carry it all by yourself. Breathe. We got a lead, let's follow it" Fantasia said.

They tried finding Lana's ex/boyfriend. Didn't find him anywhere, he must have heard the President was in town and ran for his life, leaving the child in his house, they found evidence in his house to show he was planning to make it a ransom kidnapping. They found the baby sleeping unharmed. Took her to the doctor for a night. Jack stayed at the hospital wanting nothing to do with Lana.

"First Lady," Lana said. Taraji and Fantasia both stopped and turned. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to put my baby in danger I trusted him"

"Why are you telling me not your husband whom you fucked around on? Who said I wanna hear about how you betrayed my son?"
Lana looked at Fantasia. She chose to talk to Taraji because Taraji is not as impulsive as Fantasia, Fantasia would fuck her up, but Taraji knows how to deal with situations calmly.
But she was upset for her son. They walked away, leaving her crying her eyes out in a hospital lobby.

They got to the hotel. Taraji sat on a couch, taking her boots off and massaging her feet. Fantasia plopped on another couch. "What a day!" Fantasia muttered. "can I get that for you?" she asked. Taraji looked at her. "uh, okay"
Fantasia sat up straight and pulled her leg. She massaged her feet, softly. Taraji closed her eyes. She started moaning. It was not the good massage pleasure moans, it was sex pleasure moans. "uhh, shit, right fucking there. Uhhhh, uh uhh yes fuck shit!"
Fantasia didn't stop. She was curious to see this one through.
Taraji moaned loudly and then breathed. "Taraji P. Henson, did you just have a foot-gasm? Did you just cum?"

"What no... I was just.. I--no,!" Taraji pulled her leg, Fantasia saw that her leggings were very wet on the sack, she really came. Fantasia gasped, smirking. Taraji hopped in a shower.

After her shower. Fantasia took a warm bubble bath. Rubbing her pussy to Taraji's facial expressions when she came on the couch.
Still couldn't make herself cum. Her sexual frustrations were getting worse.

She dried off and went to bed naked.
Taraji's jaw dropped.
"Since when do you sleep naked,?"
"I'm hot okay," Fantasia said. Taraji kept quiet.
After a while. She began rubbing her pussy.
Again Taraji knew but pretended to be texting on her phone. She secretly rubbed her pussy too.
They both tried hiding that they were masturbating under the covers but they knew. Fantasia heard Taraji's soft moans, it drove her crazy while she was finger fucking herself.

But they couldn't invite the other person to join them. Fantasia didn't wanna ruin the progress they were making. Taraji thought Fantasia just wanted to go solo and didn't wanna interrupt.

The more they pretended the more they got hot.
They couldn't make themselves cum...
" sleeping?"
"no, I was just-- I was on my Instagram. What's up?"
"I was just you know, failing to sleep. Do you wanna do something? Anything really, we don't even have to leave the bed"

"Something like what,?".
Fantasia swallowed hard. "talk I guess"

"Oh!" Taraji sounded disappointed. "back at the house, you said you loved me. does that mean there is still a chance for us?"

"I think we can work harder on it. Start over as girlfriends. Go out, date night, get to know each other, re-connect, no sex, of course, maybe do the 30-day rule." Taraji suggested. "staring last week right?" Fantasia asked. Taraji laughed. "Starting tomorrow."

"oh, Taraji I'm gonna die. Do you have any idea how long I've been rubbing my pussy under these sheets? I'm dying."

"you will live, and yes I know, it's been two hours."
Fantasia groaned and searched in her bags. She found a vibrator and got under the covers.
She pleasured her pussy. Taraji couldn't take the moans. They made her pussy drip hard... She went down on her.

Fantasia whimpered, finally coming hard.
"Thank you very much" she muttered catching her breath. "it's a pleasure, after all, you made my cum in my panties with your foot rubbing"

"We are really frustrated." Fantasia said laughing. "in a month, we will be okay, I have faith in us," Taraji said. "Thank you for another chance Taraji, it means a lot. I promise, I will continue with therapy and will work out all my issues listed by my doctor. I will be better for you, cause you are worth it"

"but do something for me first,  buy flowers, apologize for leading Zola on. I will play my part as well and get her a gift. The last thing we need is another bitter citizen. We gotta do better."

"Okay, baby. Whatever you say. I will get that done when we land."

"good. Now kiss me hard because I've been missing those full lips for so long..."
Fantasia kissed her.
"I love you Taraji"
"I know, I love you too Fantasia"


Just another boring ass chapter, I had to get out of my way...

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