Chapter 42: Planning the New House

Start from the beginning

"Yichen, can you lay down with me for a few minutes?" Mochou tentatively asked. He really wanted to feel Yichen's warmth. Hearing Mochou's soft voice that sounded a little nasally because he had just woken up Yichen couldn't refuse.

He slipped under the quilt and pulled Mochou into his warm embrace without question. He wasn't feeling exhausted so Yichen decided to use this time to talk about the plans he made for their new house.

Mochou quietly listened to him talk. The soft but deep tone of Yichen's voice as he spoke helped Mochou forget about his nightmare and focus on their future together.

After listening to Yichen talk for awhile Mochou finally felt relaxed enough respond. He adjusted himself so he could look at Yichen as they chatted about the house they would soon build.

"Your medicine hut should have two rooms. One for preparing the herbs and medicine and the other one for seeing the patients. Three might even be better in case you have a patient that needs to lay down on a bed or stay overnight." Mochou suggested after listening to him talk for so long.

"We can do two, but not three. I don't plan to let anyone stay overnight. Preparing something extra like that would be money wasted." Yichen said.

"You're willing to build me a hut with rooms and animal pens but not something decent for yourself?"

Mochou couldn't help but smile at how much Yichen put his needs above his own. Yichen didn't hesitate to smile back. He was unashamed of his decision.

"Yichen, I can do my woodworking anywhere including  under the tree in the yard. I don't need anywhere big or fancy to do my work. However being a doctor requires a place to see patients and make medicine. It should look professional so when people come by they feel like they can trust you. Even if it costs a little more it's worth the effort. It's also going to earn us more money in the future." Mochou said.

Yichen knew Mochou was right but he really had no interest in becoming an important doctor in the village. The reason was simple.

"If I have a lot of patients I won't have any time to spend with my bae." He thought as he gently caressed Mochou's cheek.

"We can add a third room, but Mochou my priority is you. I won't be letting people spend the night unless I have no other choice. You are my priority not them." Yichen said after giving in to Mochou's request.

"Pfft! What kind of doctor are you? You should want to help people. Don't only think of me." Mochou lectured but he really didn't mean it. He was actually touched by Yichen's words. So touched he wiggled his way up to Yichen's tempting lips and gave him a kiss.

Yichen grinned happily and returned the kiss with another, deeper kiss. One that left them both hot.

When it ended Yichen could feel his lower half rise to attention.

In a moment of clarity Yichen realized how dangerous things had gotten.

"Not good, I want him so bad." He thought as he tried to stop himself from tightening his hold on Mochou's waist.

With no other option he pushed Mochou off his chest and got out of bed before he fell to temptation.

Mochou lay alone in bed confused and unable to process what had happened.

"Yichen?" He called out but before he could get an answer Yichen darted out of the little hut.

"Did I do something wrong?" Mochou wondered as he slumped down on the bed. He couldn't help but feel disappointed that their kiss ended a just that, a kiss.


When Yichen returned from the bathroom he found Mochou sitting at the table looking at his drawing instead of laying in bed. Relieved he wouldn't have to lay down again Yichen happily walked over and sat down.

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