They hugged.

"You can come sit with us. Anytime"
Dani nodded. "And Dani, She missed you very much." She added. "I miss her too" Fantasia walked out. .

After a while, Dani joined them. Met the patients, and cracked jokes with Taraji. It was like old times.

"Okay, listen up people, The bachelorette will begin shortly. If you are under a drinking age, or over menopause age. Please excuse us... Thank you" Halle screamed.
"Okay, I'm officially offended," Taraji said.
"we can have our girl's night in. Drink and have our party games, we can't let this kids win" Fantasia said "I like how you think. I will pick a room" Dani said. "I will get drinks," Taraji said.

There were three bachelorette parties in the house. The young girls, Zoe, Kimberly, and the small girls who visited.
Then The real Bachelorette party. Halle, Lana, Paris, Gabi, Chloe and the guests.

And the grown girl's party which was popping by the way.
Mary, (Lana's mom) Fantasia, Taraji, Dani, Gina, Kassie, and the guests.

Ricko took Jack and some firemen friends, Jack's brothers-in-law to be some friends to a club for their bachelor party.

Day of the wedding:

Lana was panicking...her nerves getting out of her. Taraji and Fantasia were in the room when her mother grabbed her arms tight 

"Listen to me, You are gonna be fine. You are marrying a good boy, raised to respect women. He is soft and tender and he loves his kids, baby he loves you. And you are lucky because this family you marrying into, loves people, and baby, they got your back I am not worried, I'm just really happy. Your mothers-in-law has your back. Your husband got you. Your sister-in-law? You can count on her, she is not only smart but has a heart of gold, and those twins? They are not gonna let anything happen to you. And then there is the celebrity one who's down to earth, a little brother you never asked for. You are blessed. You don't have to worry. Now, smile and pull yourself together"

Lana smiled hugging her mom. Fantasia and Taraji smiled holding hands.

The wedding:
The priest officiated.
Then..."I now pronounce you Man and wife, kiss your bride..."

"No! Jack baby don't do it!" Anna, Rome's mother barked opening the church's double doors like she was in a movie.

"You love me, baby. You are my soul mate, I'm the love of your life. Marry me" Anna sounded drunk.

"What's happening? Should we stop her?" Taraji asked her wife. "I don't know, but let's wait a little" Fantasia suggested. ..
Halle stood up and rushed to Anna. "Hey, you waited until his moment to ruin my brother's wedding? Weren't you the same woman who didn't wanna talk to him even about his own child? You have a nerve Lady, I don't care what kind of booze you had, I know my brother loves that woman over there, the one who loves him back and helps raise his kids. You? You are done here, guards!" she said and snapped her finger.

Guards escorted her out. Ally clenched her teeth, for a second there she thought somebody was gonna do her dirty little work for her.

"Sorry everybody, Just another trash that needed to be put out. Please proceed" Halle said, people cheered for her, Jack smiled and winked, and she winked back.

"See we raised kids, we got people to take out the trash now, our mean ass sassy kids," Fantasia told her wife. Taraji giggled looking back. She saw Queen Latifah in the last row with her girlfriend.

"Hey, did you invite our wife with a plus one?" Taraji asked. "No, but Jack did, I saw his guests list, I didn't think she would show up," Fantasia said.

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