It was Zadhea's first time joining the music class, and she was excited.

The teacher hadn't arrived when she approached the stated location.

"Hi! It's my first time here," Zadhea whispered to a girl next to her as she settled down on the reed mat spread on the wooden floor. Zadhea couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "How's she or he?" She was referring to the music teacher.

"I have no idea," The girl said, appearing honest. "It's our teacher's first time too. He was absent all these days and finally came to school just yesterday. His name is Vishwajith. I guess an Indian musician."

"Wow! That's cool." Zadhea exclaimed, becoming even more excited.

She turned her head curiously when she felt someone poking her right shoulder. She gasped loudly when she recognized who it was. "Albino... I mean cabbage! What are you doing here?"

Sully's mouth twitched at her words. "It's Sully," He uttered with a poker face, apparently becoming unhappy with the way she addressed him.

"Oh Silly." Zadhea chuckled.

Sully rolled his eyes. "It's a waste talking to you."

"Don't say that." Zadhea hit him lightly on his shoulder. "Let's be friends, Mr. Sullivan."

Sully was stunned. "How do you know my full name?"

"I just made a rough guess." Zadhea was surprised too. "Why don't you tell me your complete name... Including surname?"

"I'm sorry." Sully lowered his head. "I refuse to reveal my true identity."

"So mysterious." Zadhea narrowed her eyes unhappily. "Aren't we friends now? So why don't you tell me, Mr. Weird creature?"

"Hush!" Sully looked around cautiously. "Someone might hear you."

"Am I the only person who knows you are an alien creature?" Zadhea was stupefied and somehow proud.

"Don't be so arrogant. You aren't the only one." Sully rolled his eyes again. "But you are the most annoying one amongst them."

"It's my honor!" Zadhea mischievously bowed to him with a smug smile on her face. "Dear friend of mine."

Sully didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Listen, Edwina princess. We met only twice. I can't trust you so easily. Maybe in the future, I'll tell you who I truly am and other things you want to know about me. But for now, just let me be. Don't make me helpless."

It was Zadhea's turn to roll her eyes. "Who made you helpless? Crazy!"

Before Sully could say anything back, the teacher arrived, making their conversation come to an end temporarily.

"Okay, students." He smiled at them as he sat on a short stool before them. Then he carefully put a serpina on a small table in front of him before introducing himself, "My name is Vishwajith. If you find it difficult to pronounce, just call me sir or Sir Vishwa. As you can see, I'm Asian. To be precise, an Indian. I'm here to teach you music as well as..."

"What else?" A boy asked impatiently. He was fed up with the teacher's talking already. "Just teach the damn octave already!"

Vishwajith's smile froze. He commanded in a low voice, "Get out!"

"What did you say?" The boy couldn't believe his ears. "You asked me to go out? How could you?! Don't you know who I am? I'm a prince. Not just a simple prince, a royal one! A future crown prince!"

"I don't care." Vishwajith looked at him coldly. "In my eyes, you are students and I'm the teacher. And you must respect your teacher."

"My father will take care of you for humiliating me like this." The prince glared at him. "He'll extract your eyes as a penalty." Babbling and murmuring, the boy left the room, huffing and puffing.

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now