"You lying"
."I'm not, infect he communicate with Taraji. If you let her go, she can take you to him"

"You think I'm stupid enough to fall for that? Ken is dead"

"Ask Halle, her father is alive," Fantasia said one eye was literally on her wife.

"I don't believe you and I won't believe her. Sit down. Your job is to sit there and watch while I take them one after another" Sonia said. Fantasia looked around the room. She sat on the chair, it strapped her in. She clenched her teeth. She was trapped.

Then she heard the men on screen confirm Taraji was dead. She turned rapidly watching. They got her off the hanger, she was indeed lifeless. They shoved her into a trunk and shut it.
There was no movement to show she was alive

Fantasia was helpless. Looking at all that. Her tears came out like a Marathon. Running down to her neck.

Sonia laughed "You really loved that bitch!!"

Fantasia scratched her head with her free hand. Sonia turned the screen off and turned attention to the one in the creepy house. "Please Sonia, not my kids. They've gone through enough already. I'm begging you with every breath. Let the kids walk, kill me" Fantasia said crying uncontrollably. "Please. Take me. Beat me, kill me, I hurt you, they are just young humans, they know nothing about this. Jack is just about to get married and be happily in love for the first time, he deserves that. Halle just got a call to start work at the biggest hospital in Washington. Lana? She isn't even in this mess. Please let the kids go. Torture me any other way, make me bleed, I'm already freaking numb. You made every pain in my body lose feeling when you took the only woman I've ever loved. So I'm begging you"

"Fantasia Barrino begging? I never thought I would see the day... You making this very fun" Sonia said smiling.

They heard a helicopter. Some armed guys ran in, the freaking SWAT is here there is no time, we gotta bounce"
Sonia furiously looked at Fantasia. "Bitch you are fucking lucky. Sleep with one eye opened"
."You are sick to think you are gonna make it to my country alive after what you just did," Fantasia said.

They ran out.
Fantasia was still trapped in the chair.

They rescued her kids. Then unlocked her chair.
She got off of it, she started whimpering. "Madame President, did we rescue everybody?"

She shook her head no. "My-my w- my w---" her heart broke, beating bricks. She shivered, feeling a sudden cold in her body.

"Everybody, look for the First Lady" the guy announced. "In a trunk," Fantasia said. "She's in a trunk" The guy added on his radio.

They opened the trunk, the only one that was there... Scrap car. It was empty, filled with blood, her blood.
"Her blood is here, but she isn't" They responded.
"Anybody got an eye on the first lady?" the guy said on his Radio.

"Suspect in custody" Somebody responded.

"Guys, we are not leaving without the First Lady"
"I got her, we waiting for the ambulance. Y'all can go, I got her" Danielle responded.
Fantasia was shocked for a minute, she gasped. "Is she-- is she alive?" she asked the Cop. "Cap, what is the condition of the First Lady?"

"Very Bad"


"Breathing lieutenant. She's alive"

Fantasia breathed heavily like she never breathed before.
They got everybody in the helicopters.

Fantasia got in the ambulance with two officers.

She found her wife on life support. Dani holding her hand. "You saved us!"

"nah I saved her. The rest of it was the Former President. Paris called him on time. He got this in place, called me, and confirmed the danger you were in. They picked me up. The first thing I saw through my binoculars was her being shoved in there, I made it my mission to get her out. I owe her my life. I'm Just glad she is alive"

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