"That's all... Oh? Usually, you got a lot to say"

"I'm probably tired"
"How? Didn't you just get a massage with the President?"

"I... Yeah, I still feel tired though"
"That would explain why she's been in her room for hours, I guess she's tired too. Wait, what the fuck is wrong with me...  I just assumed she was okay, what if she's not, what if she is not even there--" Taraji panicked. "relax. She's there", Dani said. "I wanna see her," Taraji said marching to the door, she knocked.
Fantasia came to the door. "hey"
"you scared me. Is everything okay?"

"Wanna go to the rooftop to see Australia before we leave tomorrow?"
"I'm kinda not in the mood. So I decided to work on some paperwork"

Taraji was sad, she nodded and walked to her room.
Fantasia and Dani locked eyes. Fantasia closed the door.
Dani froze in her position looking at the door.
Thinking and debating until... Evil thoughts won,
She went to the door, opened and invited herself in then closed it. They looked at each other.
"Please go. I will definitely regret this tomorrow. I can't live my life with regrets all the freaking time, I love Taraji, and I want her... Please--" Danielle swallowed hard. "I know you love her--" she said walking closer.
"I just want you to know, I'm here if you need someone."
They looked at each other.

Dani kissed her. Fantasia froze in that kiss and pulled away.
They looked at each other. Fantasia gasped touching her lips. "Danielle stop"
"I'm sorry. I--"
"It's okay, we're good. just go" Fantasia whispered. Zach opened the door and walked in. They kept quiet acting suspicious. "what are you doing in Mama's room, Auntie Dani?"

"nothing. Security stuff." Dani walked out.
Fantasia fist the wall. Zoe screamed in her room.
"damn it!"
Fantasia muttered. Zach looked at her eyes all out. She realized she scared both her kids at the same time. Zach ran out.
"shit shit shit!"

10 minutes later the kids refused to leave Taraji's side. Taraji talked to them and then put them in her bed. She went out and found Fantasia on the couch waiting, she and Dani were not talking.

"What happened?" Taraji asked. They looked at each other. "Tasia, what happened?" Taraji repeated. "I got a text that upset me, I hit the wall, and scared Zoe, Zach was in the room, and they both got shaken up. Can I apologize?"

"They sleeping. Can I see it?"
"The message?!"

"oh, that... I kinda deleted it cause it was from KC"
"do I need to worry?" Taraji asked. "No, I will handle it,"

"Okay. Good night to you both." Taraji said turning to go back to her room.
"is there room for you on the bed? You can bunk with me, if it's okay" Fantasia said. Taraji narrowed her eyes at Fantasia and then at Dani.
. "okay, what's going on with you too?"
"Nothing" they both snapped. Which raised Taraji's suspicion.
"Dani, you are always honest with me. What's wrong?"

"oh so she's honest and I'm not?" Fantasia made it a thing so that Dani wouldn't have to answer the question. "why are you worked up Fantasia? I'm not talking to you right now, I'm talking to Dani"

"Well, I'm talking to you. What happened to us Taraji? What happened that makes you not love me anymore? What happened that made you cheat on me?" Fantasia shouted. It was between an act to save Dani and something she's been holding inside...

"I'm not doing this with you right now," Taraji said and walked into her room. Danielle breathed deeply. Fantasia sighed...but, Taraji came back. "You wanna know what happened...Ken happened, he came back and you turned into the same Tasia who loved him and wanted nothing to do with me. It felt like you were choosing him again, so I cheated, it doesn't justify anything I know, I was wrong. Fantasia I am so sorry baby. I really am, I know it won't make you feel better. But I am sorry"

Fantasia nodded. "Then say the words, I just wanna hear the words"

"Fantasia I love you. Okay? I love you very much"

"Do you mean it!?"

Taraji marched towards her and kissed her hard, they kissed, and Dani turned away, she was not in a position to look at them. "I love you, I never stopped" Taraji whispered.
. "I love you too. Still want to go to the rooftop?"
"Why not, let me find my shoes and a coat," Taraji said walking away.
. Fantasia turned to Dani. Dani was reluctant to look at her. "can you please keep the secret to your grave for me...I messed up a lot, I'm trying to fix my mistakes, can she never find out about the kids please"

Dani nodded. "We still gonna talk though. We can't let it affect our working relationship and friendship" she added. "Yes Madame President"
. "Try again.".
Dani smiled a little. "Yes Madame P."
"good. Get my jacket please"

Taraji came out ready. Dani helped Fantasia put her jacket on. They held hands and walked out.
Three guards followed them.

They went to the rooftop. Fantasia took pictures of Taraji. She blushed, "Stop!"
"give me one picture and I will stop"
Taraji snatched the phone, kissed her and snapped a selfie then handed the phone. "Happy?"

"It's perfect. One more"
Fantasia said pulling Taraji in her body. They kissed while the camera shutter went off. Taraji burst out laughing. They laughed hard, tried again, and laughed.
Taraji kissed Fantasia. "I said the words. You still haven't said the magic words to me"

"I did, I said I love you",
, "That's not the magic words"
.Fantasia looked down on her phone. "You wanna know if I forgive you or not."
. "bingo. Magic words"

"Yes, Taraji. I forgive you"
"For what?" Taraji asked. "Really?". "Yes, I want you to say it. It's Therapeutic,"

"Okay. I, Fantasia The President of the United States of America, Barrino, forgive You Taraji P. Henson-Barrino, First Lady of the United States of America, for cheating on me With Dr Nyla Stratford, a 17-year-old kid, and fucked her 7 freaking times, while lying to your wife about it, treating her like she was crazy and--"

"Okay enough. You forgive me. And Nyla is 30 okay, not 17."
"Who the fuck care? "

"Baby you getting upset again. KC and the other girl you dated before her are barely 30, that Melody girl was 25. But you don't hear me throwing their age in your face"

"I'm not attracted to young women. I did that because I had a point to prove. I'm into mature women, who barely age because their brains are hot as fuck. Those girls bored the shit out of me, but I had to show you I can do it too"
Taraji laughed. "it's not funny"
"I think it is." they both laughed. "but that's behind us now right...we are moving forward. Can we please?" Taraji begged. "to moving forwards"
Fantasia said toasting with her phone. "Here here!", Taraji clicked their phones together. They shared a kiss.
. "you stole my toy"
Taraji gasped. Then blushed. "you broke it beyond repair"
"That's okay, I have another one, you just have to promise not to get too attached to the freaking toy or I'm gonna break it with my bare hands"
"I promise!"
They turned to look at the city lights.

"I love the atmosphere," Taraji said taking it all in. "It's so warm and refreshing," Fantasia said...
They half-hugged each other. Fantasia rested her head on Taraji's shoulder. They both breathe deeply.

"Soo, Madam President, what do we do from here?"

"We gonna take it slow, sneak around, figure our shit together before our kids find out," Fantasia said.


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