"First lady what is your biggest fear?" one host asked towards the end of the show. A great show. Fun show.
Kassie and Taraji looked at each other.
"Well, uh... I'm living in my fear!" Taraji answered.
The answer flabbergasted them.
She chuckled. "and I'm conquering it" she added between her chuckles. It was pure and straightforward they couldn't get follow-up questions, they just respected her for it.
And it was all over the Internet after that.

"living in my fear and conquering it", was a new trend.

But the truth was that she meant every word.
They got in their cars to leave.

"you want to get a drink, tell me your fears?" Kassie asked Taraji.
"No, I'm not drinking remember? My wife put me on time out 'cause she's afraid I'm gonna ruin her life" Taraji said. Kassie felt sorry for her. Her tears came out uninvited. "she's controlling my life Kas, she embarrasses me in front of her girlfriend. Humiliates me in front of her stuff. Don't want me to go home. I feel like a prisoner. I want out of this contract. Do you know of a good lawyer?" Taraji asked.
"not a good enough lawyer to go against the President and how she runs the white house baby, you knew when you signed the contract that it was never gonna get easy. I am so sorry, but if it's any consolation you are doing amazing Taraji. You are doing great"

"I am not happy. I miss being happy. I miss New York"

"then communicate with her. Tell her to take you to New York or you not gonna make any appearances until that is done."

"We don't talk"

"it doesn't matter, she will listen," Kassie called Fantasia.

On call:

Tasia: former first lady
Kassie: hold on, somebody wanna talk to you.
(Kassie handed Taraji her phone)
Taraji: (she cleared her throat) Uh hi, it's me...
Tasia: does "me" have a name?
(that got Taraji so upset)
Taraji: look, I'm going to New York, whether you like it or not. Nothing in your contract says I can't be happy and I'm not happy.
Tasia: maybe... But the contract says you do as I say.
Taraji: you know what... I don't care about the damn contract. Persecute me.

Taraji hung up.

"Taraji what are you doing? She will persecute you, maybe the old Fantasia wouldn't. New Fantasia doesn't give a shit so she will."

"I don't care, Kassie, she is out with her girlfriend, having sex, and I'm stuck here doing the heavy work. I haven't had sex since my cheating. That's two freaking years ago. I haven't had fun in a long time. I'm bored. I'm hurting. I can't do this anymore. I rather go to prison"

"no, I won't let you. Go home. Get in a warm bubble bath. Try to find the good in all this and focus on that. Do you think I was happy when it was my turn? I was not, baby. I was miserable. But I found my happiness and focused on that. The white house is too damn big, baby find your spot,"

"I thought being first Lady was fun. You didn't warn me"

"because it is fun. You just need to dig deep and find what makes you happy, go... You will be okay"

They arrived. Taraji got off. She did as Kassie advised. Took a bath. Put on her jammies and walked around the house to find a place where she could find her happiness.

She caught a young security girl, staring at her...
Eyes full of lust. Taraji winked at her. She blushed and looked away. Taraji smiled and walked away. She went to her room. Thought about the girl, bid her bottom lip. It was interesting to be wanted like that, but it changed nothing.


Fantasia and KC were having sex. But Fantasia couldn't fake it, she thought about Taraji and their short conversation. KC could tell her mind was not there.
"let me guess, your wife is the reason you are this red? I mean all she does is upset you, why do you even keep her around? Just break it off already. I'm here, I can be the first lady. I can actually do a better job"

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